Thanks, magpie,
Upper part:
1-2 Pantodon buchholzi - african butterfly fish
Middle part:
1 Apteronotus Albifrons - black knife fish
2-4 Fundulopanchax sjostedti - Blue gularis
2-3 Ctenopoma Acutirostre - leopard bush fish
Bottom part:
1 Albino senegalus polypterus - Albino senegal bichir
1 Erpetoichtys calabaricus - reedfish/ropefish (maybe I could increase to 2, but not really keen on... 3 would be too much, unless calabaricus doesn't increase waste
Clean-up crew:
1-2 Bristlenose pleco
1 Agamyxis pectinifrons - Spotted talking catfish
OUT Fundulopanchax gardneri - too small for the rest of the fishes and most likely becomes tasty food.
OUT Channa Orientalis - too aggressive.
OUT Gnathonemus petersii - elephantnose (conflicting with black knife + need fishes with more activity)
MAYBE: 1 Belonesox belizanus (if possible to get him at all), but need to do more research as I read they are quite difficult to keep (only feeds on small fishes, etc...)
Suggestions for pleco? Anyone ever had a problem with polly and plecos or it's just a myth running around the internet? Which plecos would be nice? Suggestions of something up to 5 inch/ ~12-13cm are more than welcome. Glass algae eater would be great, also more odd-looking, but safe for polly. If not possible for all criteria - then 1st : polly-safe; 2nd - algae eater; 3rd - odd-looking.