Thanks everybody for votes.
Upper part:
1-2 Pantodon buchholzi - african butterfly fish (1 or 2 will depend on overall crew)
Middle part:
1 Apteronotus Albifrons - black knife fish
2 Ctenopoma Acutirostre - leopard bush fish (decreased to 2, thanks magpie)
2-4 Fundulopanchax sjostedti - Blue gularis (made the list after 3:2 voting vs puffers)
Bottom part:
1 Albino senegalus polypterus - Albino senegal bichir
1 Erpetoichtys calabaricus - reedfish/ropefish
Clean-up crew:
1 Agamyxis pectinifrons - Spotted talking catfish
1 Bristlenose pleco (Thought: not sure...the only thing why i would take him is because of cleaning aquarium glass, but as mentioned - might be problems with slime coat....) - probably will be added - something up to max 12-15cm. Maybe L187?
1 Belonesox belizanus (Thought: something like little gar, however, not sure if possible to get) - will see after every other fish added to tank - will he won't be overcrowding already crowded tank.