• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Here is my only planted tank. 20 High lo tech. Trying to propogate dwarf hairgrass to cover the substrate so the Neon Tetras and breed and scatter eggs to the safety of the grass. The Grass is growing so slowly I may be retired before that happens.

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Beautiful tank. I just received my first plant; an Amazon Sword and a piece of Mopani driftwood for our 50 gallon tank. Today we will get a Ludwigia Reopens & Jungle Vallisneria, let the fun begin.

Thats a madagascan Paratilapia, a blekeeri im presuming from the larger spots

Paratilapia Polleni, apparently Bleekeri is no longer relevant-only Polleni. One of the finest cichlids one could own in my opinion. I have three in a Malagasy/South American community.
Paratilapia Polleni, apparently Bleekeri is no longer relevant-only Polleni. One of the finest cichlids one could own in my opinion. I have three in a Malagasy/South American community.
Yea my one teacher has one and offered it to me since it almost killed his Jag X Dovii cichlud and is a bit of a bully. No way i am cramping it in my 70. I would love to own one though, incredibly pretty.

As for the names i know there is debate but ill just call all of the by polleni now. :)
I am having too much fun acquascaping our 50 gallon tank. Just added plants and rearranged granite. Also put the three common Plecos in to the 2600 gallon tank with the trout.
October-6th-2016-Neon-Gouramis-and plants-in-our-tank-Re-aquascaped.jpg