• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
The plants in this 60g cube went gang busters when I first set it up. Dwarf sag, Val sp., crypts wendtii bronze and green, maybe some crypt parva and a lily. No ferts or CO2. Stock at the time of photo was 5 Herotilapia Multispinosa and 12 harlequin rasboras. Current stock includes the rasboras, 3 hoplo cats and more juvenile H. Multispinosa than I can count.HM_Planted.jpg
That first tank is very beautiful, although a bit too formal and structured for my taste.

That second one is magnificent!!!
Thank you ?
The second image was my first go at a proper aquascaped tank, I was going for a heavy planted jungle type look. It started off low tech and I gradually increased the lights, ferts and eventually added co2, I really liked that scape but it was a nightmare for maintenance and algae was a constant issue. I decided to close it down and create a simpler scape (the first pic). I wanted to go the opposite way with this one and go for something clean, well kept and unnatural, that would have a lot more open area for better flow and easier upkeep. This scape was high tech from the beginning. I'm now just starting my first cichlid tank, this time I'm going for a natural, bladen river theme, low/no plant, low light, black(ish) water, meeki tank

This was day one of the jungle scape

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Ah, yes, the natural tank that has rocks dangling precariously in midwater in an attempt to waterlog the wood; I know it well! I never sleep well until the wood no longer fights back and the rocks can be taken off; always concerned with rocks falling off and damaging my plywood/epoxy tank, or cracking a pane of glass. I've also had large wood pieces overcome the weight of the rocks and come rocketing to the surface, endangering cover glass panes.

I hope that you go for low-plant rather than no-plant for your new set-up. Completely barren of any greenery never quite looks right and is pretty rare in nature; there's almost always a good growth of algae present to soften the harsh lines of rock and wood. Even a few handfuls of something as simple as Java Moss, and/or some floating plants, goes a long way towards improving the overall look of almost any tank, IMHO.
Ah, yes, the natural tank that has rocks dangling precariously in midwater in an attempt to waterlog the wood; I know it well! I never sleep well until the wood no longer fights back and the rocks can be taken off; always concerned with rocks falling off and damaging my plywood/epoxy tank, or cracking a pane of glass. I've also had large wood pieces overcome the weight of the rocks and come rocketing to the surface, endangering cover glass panes.

I hope that you go for low-plant rather than no-plant for your new set-up. Completely barren of any greenery never quite looks right and is pretty rare in nature; there's almost always a good growth of algae present to soften the harsh lines of rock and wood. Even a few handfuls of something as simple as Java Moss, and/or some floating plants, goes a long way towards improving the overall look of almost any tank, IMHO.
Hahaha ? gotta love the balancing stones, it's always a nice start to the day when you come down in the morning to find your tank hasn't shattered in the night. My latest scape is currently sporting a few of these stones .

It'll likely have a few sprigs of something here n there but nothing much. I've got some tiger lotus and buce sitting in my quarantine tank from that pic 1 scape, I know it's not biotope correct but I think that will end up going in, otherwise it'll only be thrown away. The main focus of this tank will be the hardscape and fish but I certainly wont be discouraging any algae growth, i think algae will definitely help to achieve the look I'm after
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