• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Heres my little 15g plant tank in my bathroom. lol. Can't make it too elaborate do to size. It acts as a divider for the sink and the toilet.

CrazyMan298;1813133;1813133 said:
AnDr3w in picture 5 what are those little boogers called again? I saw the at a pet store once and they where the most aggressive little fish I have ever seen.
Andrew was banned quite a while ago.
it looks like most people use pebbles for substrate and stuff, personally I put a layer of peatmoss covered in a thin layer clay and than topped with white sand looks natural good nutrition my dojo can dig. I'm starting a new 55 tank soon I'll post pictures but I will say that they won't be quite as good as most of those.
Posted this before but don't think i've rang in here. This is my first plant tank @ about 6months now..






My 6x2x2 in my bedroom. Lowlight setup, 3xt8 plant bulbs, weekly flourish and plain riversand substrate w/ root tabs every 3 months. Mostly lowlight plants, normal and narrow java fern, crypts and anubias but there is giant and spiral val, aponogeton bullosus and some swords. They grow slowly under the low light which is fine by me.

180planted copy.jpg

masone get some photos with your other cam thoose pics dont do it justice. ive masones tank and it is a peice of art!

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