• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


My 20g planted tank setup:

2x Hagen Plant Grow Natural System with CO2

a 15 pound bag of Seachem fluoride

a 15 pound bag of Flora Base

Hagen Glo T5 HO Linear Fluorescent Lighting System
with x2 24 watt bulbs(13,400k)

fish: 20 neon tetras, bushynose pleco, ghost shrimp, ottos cherry shrimp

Let me know what you think....I also was wonder what kind of filter i should be running on this tank? HOB makes to make surface agitation.

Thanks and plz criticize me and tell me what i am doing wrong.
SOUNDS great;)
well its really not looking great right now.....went away for whole summer and dad messed it all up so i just started to redo the tank....i just wanted to know if there was anything i should change or add.

And i still need a filter wat to use?
a lot of plant guys will preach that you need a canister filter i run an hob on my 29 gal and i have never had a problem with it its really up to the user the only one i would suggest not using is a bio wheel it sounds like you got a good start i would like to see it when you get it done i use diy yeast co2 used to run it through the filter intake it self then i went out and bought a glass diffuser and put the thing right below the outlet of the hob filter so it blows the bubbles all around the tank works just as well
ok i will have the setup comeplete by friday saterday the latest so check back then for pictures
in my 29 gallon with that light and presurized co2 im running one interal 1 plus filter and thats it. works good i have a low bioload but dose nitrates and other fertz will add a second filter when i put a pair of discus in the tank. but thats just what im doing.
looks sick :D love the lights too