I like using the screw in bulbs because it gives me a lot more flexibility to fine tune the amount of light, and where over the tank its concentrated. I have 8 bulbs in my hood. Right now I have 75w replacement bulbs in there (I think they are actually 18w), but I'm planning on getting some 85-105w (actual watt) bulbs soon. I'm not dosing co2, but I've been collecting everything I need to, and will start dosing once I get the new bulbs.
I have about 1.2wpg over this tank, I dose with Flourish, Excel, and Iron, and have it pretty well stocked. Here's the plant list:
Amazon Swords
Baby Tears
Red Ludwigia
Un. Ludwigia?
Marimo ball
All of them are growing fine under the current conditions. The hornwort and wisteria are growing (literally) about 1/2-1" a day right now. I'm going to have to start trimming them back pretty heavily soon.