Heres a tank I finished putting together this weekend. Most of the stuff except the plants I had around. Its got micro sword, baby tears on a rock, amazon sword and an anubias nana on driftwood, cabomba, apontogen, and some other kind of sword. The fish are a betta, some danios i used to cycle it which will be going in another tank, and some neon tetras which will stay. An an oto. Id like later on to switch to a school of cardinal tetras. I dose it flourish and excel. I hope it turns out good!
I just took these pics with my iphone like 10 mins ago so sorry for the crappy photo. Im not a photographer by any means either and dont mind the kitchen sink in the background!
Quick question do I really need an airstone in the tank. I have one in it but if not needed its one more free electrical outlet for me...
Thanks! Like I said most of the things I had laying around like the gravel its a mix of like 3 different ones haha. But hopefully once things start covering up itll be less visible....