• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


oh sorry i havent replyed, i just got the tank out and cleaned up. it is 10gallons. and il be giving the tank good regular waterchanges. is this ok for any tangynikans particularly shelldwellers, as i would like to breed them.

and just a quick question,
if i breed them and i cant move the young on as quickly, can they survive in a 55g comunity tank with other small fish providing i give them shells? my water here is hard and alkaline so perfect for keeping them.
and sorry i hijack il post pics when i get it set up!
10gal will be good for Neolamprologus Multifasciatus start out with maybe 3 of them 1/M and 2/F and they will fill up the tank with babies as long as you take care of their water requirements in all..

Multi's reach the 2" mark so if the 55gal doesn't have anything bigger than a 3 inch fish and are not predators they should be fine..
Just received these tonight 4 Lamprologus Caudopuntatus..






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View attachment 308590

I know there not shell dwellers by nature but in captivity they tend to breed in shells and are colonial breeders forming a nice colony..
very nice!
Me likes the Lamprologus caudopunctatus!!!

I just got a Juli and three green barbs for my 20 gal yesterday. The Juli is actually really comical. The barbs are kind of hiding right now... I figure they are slightly freaked out do to the move. I'll be getting some shell dwellers hopefully some time this weekend... as soon as I get ahold of a camera, I'll put some pics up too!
sharkbait08 wrote:
I just got a Juli and three green barbs for my 20 gal yesterday.

Keep an eye on those Barbs they may be too nippy for the Tangs..

What type Julido did you get.. cool make sure you get some photos my friend take care.. yeah this is my first time ever owning the caudopunct's and i have only had them for a couple of days so far so good..

Eoibio wrote:
Hmm would shellies be ok in a community?I like them =]]

It depends what are you thinking fish wise with them..
Pittbull@MFK;2671027; said:
sharkbait08 wrote:

Keep an eye on those Barbs they may be too nippy for the Tangs..

Thanks for the advice... but so far the barbs are only picking on each other... The Juli actually seems to snip more at the barbs than they do at it.

I got a Julidochromis transcriptus. Its been really fun watching the Juli (who btw is named Rocky). I got the barbs because I was told they would help bring the africans out of their shyness. But it seems the other way around... the barbs are more shy than Rocky!!
sharkbait08;2674947; said:
Pittbull@MFK;2671027; said:
sharkbait08 wrote:

Keep an eye on those Barbs they may be too nippy for the Tangs..

Thanks for the advice... but so far the barbs are only picking on each other... The Juli actually seems to snip more at the barbs than they do at it.

I got a Julidochromis transcriptus. Its been really fun watching the Juli (who btw is named Rocky). I got the barbs because I was told they would help bring the africans out of their shyness. But it seems the other way around... the barbs are more shy than Rocky!!

Is the J. trans a true transcripus or a dwarf marlieri? Trans are spunky but marlieri (both regular and dwarf forms) are considerably more aggressive in comparison.