these are my shell dwelling baby crayfish i grew from babies this one is the biggest of the bunch. Before these guys i had about 50 baby yellow haps and 30 blue haps in there all living in shells and caves. Man... i should have take pics of those.
This is my brothers 20 gallon long shell dweller tank setup. He just finished setting it up today. It looks very nice.
The 20 gallon long with no fish yet. He is going to put in his four baby fry Lamprologus ocellatus golds.
Shell Locations
One question, could you have four GOLD with 4 Multi or 4 Brevis in the same tank with 4 white calvus n some surface fish? Is this too much fish in the 20?
and what would be the best surface fish?
right now they are all small, so when they get biger might take some out.
thanks for reading and looking at the pictures.....
Here are a few pics of my 75G Multi tank.
I apologise in advance for the poor quality pics.
I added the 3 Juli's yesterday and will probably wait about a week to introduce my Multis from the 10G.
I am keeping the Multi shell bed on one side and a rocky area on the other side for my trio of 1 inch Juli. Transcriptus.
Here's a pic of the one of the Juli's.
picks of my 2 multie tanks and my lone female brevis....
the one pair has bred with 12 fry in a community planted tank with a lower ph (pH desn't matter...btw) filled with guppies, algae eaters, 2 apisto cacatuoides, and young christmas fulus and aulnocara sp, chitante.
then a mulie and brichari tank with 2 definite pairs...and possibly 2 other males, with 2 young brichardi.