Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Species: Heros naciatus

How many: 2

How long trying: 4 months

Any successful spawns already: spawned once then ate eggs on 3rd day, second time ate eggs striaght after laying them possibly because over crowding

Set up: 66 litre, internal 400l/h, 3 dollars, red shark - minding shark and 1 dollar for friend

Any triggers/other information : live food, frequent water changes
Species:Gold Ancistrus, Brown ancistrus(not exactly sure which one) Queen arabesque, Uaru Amphiacanthoides

How many: 2.1 , 1.1 , 1.1 , 1.1 breeding 3 grow ups

How long trying:a year and a half on all

Any successful spawns already:2 spawns on gold ancistrus, 2 spawns on browns, nothing on queens yet, and 2 hatches on uaru became freeswimming but not luck raising the fry yet

Set up:75 gallon with lots of rocks, caves, cracks for hiding places

Species: Aequidens portalgrensis
How many: pair
How long trying: August 07
Any successful spawns already: yes
Set up: 75 gallon with clay pot
Any triggers/other information : several successful spawns, but their last spawn about a month ago is the first that I had time to focus on raising fry which are now 1/2"

Species: Cichlasoma festae
How many: 1 wild proven pair from Dan Woodland
How long trying: 2.5 years with 2 other pairs prior to hurricane "festae killer" Katrina, a week so far this time
Any successful spawns already: yes
Set up: share a partitioned 110 with a pair of citrinellum
Any triggers/other information : a few successful spawns, have raised some fry to almost 1", the pair have been off spawn for quite a while since I left the fry in with them. Trying to get them back on spawn now.

Species: Nandopsis haitiensis
How many: 0.0.4 growing out
How long trying: 10/07
Any successful spawns already: no
Set up: divided 75
Any triggers/other information : 1 male 3 females. One of the females laid eggs which were infertile.

Species: Herichthys sp. turquoise
How many: 8 growouts, lost 1
How long trying: 10/07
Any successful spawns already: yes
Set up: first spawned in 210, now in 90 (the 5 other growouts were removed after the pair spawned again)
Any triggers/other information : Male seems more attentive to the spawn than the female, but both defend well
Species: ExCichlasoma Uropthalmus (Mayan) a pair 1 1/2 year old
How long trying: 6 months
Any successful spawns already: yes, 1 (first try).
When: April 07
Set up: 75 gallon with a flat stone
Fry : +-600 eggs

Species: Nandopsis Tetracanthus (cuban cichlid)

How many: one male, one female

How long trying: still a little immature to breed

Any successful spawns already: not yet

Set up: 55 gallon

Any triggers/other information : got these two growing together. male is 3.5", female is 2.5"

Tank consists of driftwood plants and a clay pot.
Species: Angelfish

How many: A pair

How long trying: 2 weeks

Any successful spawns already: Young fish, so no

Set up: Community 55 gallon, will move fry into 10 gallon.

Any triggers/other information : Bought a pair of High quality angels at 3" and they seem to have paired. Trying to raise money for new tank
Species: Comets

How many: 1 male and 2 females

How long trying: 1 year

Any successful spawns already: about 5 spawns

Set up: 25G breeding tank with mops

Any triggers/other information : daily water change

Species: Platy

How many: 1 "active" female

How long trying: 1 year

Any successful spawns already: Lots :D once a month

Set up: 3G breeding tank. 15G growout

Any triggers/other information : lots of freeze dried blood worms
Species: Dovii

How many: 1 male and 1 female

How long trying: 3 months

Any successful spawns already: 2

Set up: 55g from which the parents are removed afterwards

Any triggers/other information : Female made the big leap last month so this project is caput.