Post your breeding projects

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Species: Cory sterbai
number: 7
How long: Spawning for two years
Successful spawns: At least ten
Special triggers: Fall/winter, rainfall, frozen copepods
I think breeding is one of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: channa pulchra

How many: 2 plus 70 juvie

How long trying: 6 months

Any successful spawns already: one -approx 70 fry

Set up: 4ft x 2ft x 16"

Any triggers/other information : very stillwater lots of floating cover


Species: channa aruantimaculata

How many: 5

How long trying: 6 months

Any successful spawns already: not as yet

Set up: 9ft x 2ft x 20"

Any triggers/other information :


Species: channa gachua calcutta

How many: 6

How long trying: 6 months

Any successful spawns already: not as yet

Set up: 4ft x 2ft x 2ft

Any triggers/other information :


Species: Channa marulioides

How many: 6

How long trying: 3 weeks

Any successful spawns already: not as yet

Set up: 4ft x 2ft x 2ft at moment

Any triggers/other information :


Species: Channa bleheri

How many: 6

How long trying: 6 months

Any successful spawns already: not as yet

Set up: 4ft x 12" x 12"

Any triggers/other information :


Species: Channa obscura

How many: 6

How long trying: 1 months

Any successful spawns already: not as yet

Set up: 4ft x 18" x 18"

Any triggers/other information


Species: Channa panaw

How many: 6

How long trying: 1 months

Any successful spawns already: not as yet

Set up: 4ft x 12" x 15"

Any triggers/other information


Species: Channa sp five stripe

How many:

How long trying: 1 months

Any successful spawns already: not as yet

Set up: 4ft x 15" x 18"

Any triggers/other information


Species: Channa bankanensis

How many: 4

How long trying: 6 months

Any successful spawns already: not as yet

Set up: 3ft x 12" x 15"

Any triggers/other information


Species: Channa orientalis

How many: 8

How long trying: 4 months

Any successful spawns already: not as yet

Set up: 3ft x 12" x 18"

Any triggers/other information


Species: Channa sp assam

How many: 5

How long trying: 6 months

Any successful spawns already: not as yet

Set up: 30" x 12" x 15"

Any triggers/other information


Species: Channa sp turquoise

How many: 4

How long trying: 6 months

Any successful spawns already: not as yet

Set up: 30" x 12" x 15"

Any triggers/other information

Species: Heros sp.

How many: 2

How long trying: Jan 2008

Any successful spawns already: atleast 7

Set up: 55g community for now, then a 55g to themselves
species: vieja argentea x6 tank size: 180g any sucessful spawns: almost only two confirmed spawning pairs how long trying: 6 months (2008)
Species: Jack dempsey

How many: 2

How long trying: past year

Any successful spawns already: 6

Set up: 40 long

Any triggers/other information : dithers

Species: port acara

How many: 2

How long trying: 3 months

Any successful spawns already:.2

Set up: 20

Any triggers/other information :

Species: Rio candelaria Firemouth

How many: 5

How long trying: 1 month

Any successful spawns already 1 - 250 fry aprox, kept in harder water

Set up: currently in 400 gallon....not the final breeding tank

Any triggers/other information :

Species: HRP

How many: 2

How long trying: 3 months

Any successful spawns already:.1

Set up: 20

Any triggers/other information :

Species: Nanoleutus

How many: 10

How long trying: 3 months

Any successful spawns already:..nope

Set up: currently in 40

Any triggers/other information :
I had a pair of Red Warrior Flowerhorn spawn for me several times and the most recent spawn approximately one month ago yielded me about 200 albino-phase red warriors. They show beautiful red and orange coloration on a yellow and white background. They all show their fathers red eyes who is from a Red Devil x Salvini cross.

I have kept 150 of them to raise up in a 10,000 gallon breeding tank for next season.
Some are showing more extreme colors than others do to an experimentation with food. I have learned that a new product that Hikari has released along with a supplement in water conditions by API yields tremendous growth and color responses.

As far as I know, these little guys are the first albino flowerhorns in captivity and I'm hoping to begin selling some within the next two months.

I have been breeding their parents for nearly a year and this is the first albino spawn.

Parents are in 4,000 gallon tank with an african cichlid mix for substrate. Paired with them are two arrowanas and a 22-inch stingray. The tank is highly furnished with driftwood and slate and live plants.

If anyone has questions regarding the breeding of larger cichlids and any large fish feel free to send me a message; I would be glad to help!
Species: atlantic stingray

How many: 3

How long trying: 1 year
Any successful spawns already:3 ( only one birth x4 pups 1male 3 female)

Set up: 180 gal wide

This was my second attempted group of rays only my lage male and female have mated. Other male in tank is still a juvenile. Female may be pregnant again too early to tell yet but her back seems to be getting larger again:grinno:
I think breeding is one of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects...

Species: Angels, guppys,

How many: 1 breeding pair of Angels, 1 male and 6 female guppys

How long trying: Angels about 12 months, guppys for about 3 years

Any successful spawns already: Angels no but I have had about 20-30 batches of eggs that they keep eating, Guppys yes too many to count lol.

Set up: Angels in a 30 gal breeding tank, guppys in a 10 gal both with pea gravel substrate

Any triggers/other information : I'm going to try to remove the angels next time they lay eggs and see how that works out. as for guppys, over feed them with a high quality food and they will not eat all of the fry. also have tons of floating plants for the fry to hide in

watcha got...Too many guppys that grow too damn slow for feeders anymore, going to try to breed convicts next.
Species: Jack Dempsey

How many: 2 [Parents} a hundred + Fry

How long trying: Well.. I've wanted to for a few years but couldnt seem to find a female. I noticed a big pretty dempsey alone in a tank at exotic aquatics about a week ago so i braught [her] home. Now i have a million fish babies :nilly:

Any successful spawns already: See above?

Set up: 55 gallon

Any triggers/other information : The parents act really weird when you get close to the tank or make any sudden movements they freak out . Its like theyre trying to jump out almost.

watcha got... Other then the dempseys.. I have a 45 tall setup with a flowerhorn. A 29 with a red devil. 20 long [zebra ciclid] 90 gallon assorted mostly severums [they are my fav] I have a 40 something [?] long with a beautiful texas ciclid that i have had for about 4 years with some of my smaller dempseys and jeweled cichlid. I also have a 75 gallon with assorted africans. Im looking to find a 150 for just severums.