I think breeding is one of the most important and rewarding parts of fishkeeping.
This is how the thread goes...
List your CURRENT breeding projects...
Species: Angels, guppys,
How many: 1 breeding pair of Angels, 1 male and 6 female guppys
How long trying: Angels about 12 months, guppys for about 3 years
Any successful spawns already: Angels no but I have had about 20-30 batches of eggs that they keep eating, Guppys yes too many to count lol.
Set up: Angels in a 30 gal breeding tank, guppys in a 10 gal both with pea gravel substrate
Any triggers/other information : I'm going to try to remove the angels next time they lay eggs and see how that works out. as for guppys, over feed them with a high quality food and they will not eat all of the fry. also have tons of floating plants for the fry to hide in
watcha got...Too many guppys that grow too damn slow for feeders anymore, going to try to breed convicts next.