My 840 lt tank, with bio-filter of 160 lt, so in one system 1000 lt.
size:200x70x60 cm.
Right now it is a South-America set-up, before that a Central-America tank.
Inhabants right now:
8 Pterophyllum scalare redback, 35 Paracheirodon axelrodi, 10 Hyphessobrycon megalopterus, 8 wildcought guppy's from Colombia, 10 Corydoras sterbai, 4 Ancistrus sp., 1 L081 Baryancistrus sp., 2 Cleithacara maronii, 2 Cichlasoma amazonerum, 6 Apistogramma agassizii double red and 6 Carnegiella strigata.