anarekist Jack Dempsey MFK Member Apr 4, 2012 #281 fts2 by anarekist fts1 by anarekist fts3 by anarekist
JK47 Retired MFK Admin MFK Member Apr 4, 2012 #282 Work in progress, lighting isn't final and I have an FX5 intake tossed in. I'll get it all sorted and repost.
Work in progress, lighting isn't final and I have an FX5 intake tossed in. I'll get it all sorted and repost.
everlastace Candiru MFK Member Apr 4, 2012 #283 I gotta get me one of those 3D backgrounds. Changes the whole ball game.
T THEcreep Feeder Fish MFK Member Apr 4, 2012 #285 Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
everlastace Candiru MFK Member Apr 4, 2012 #287 Im not sure how some of these people get such GREAT pictures of their tanks, my camera must not be fancy enough. But here are mine! My 90 gal. stock: 1x 4" Tiger Oscar 1x 4" Albino Tiger Oscar 1x 6.5" Flagtail 1x 7" Spotted African Leaf Fish 1x 6" Endlii Bichir 1x 3" Delhizi Bichir 1x 7" Leporinus 2x 2-3" Clown Loaches 2x 3" Jack Dempseys 1x 5" Spotted Raphael Cat 55 Gallon Stock: 3x Marbled Angels 4x Julidochromis Marlieri 4x Juvenile Neolamprologus 1x White Calvus 1x Black Calvus 3x Cory Cats 1x Farlewala Cat 1x Clown Pleco 1x Albino Chocolate Pleco 1x Bushy Nose Pleco 1x Callochromis Pleurospilus 4x ottocinclus 3x Rainbows (not sure on species)
Im not sure how some of these people get such GREAT pictures of their tanks, my camera must not be fancy enough. But here are mine! My 90 gal. stock: 1x 4" Tiger Oscar 1x 4" Albino Tiger Oscar 1x 6.5" Flagtail 1x 7" Spotted African Leaf Fish 1x 6" Endlii Bichir 1x 3" Delhizi Bichir 1x 7" Leporinus 2x 2-3" Clown Loaches 2x 3" Jack Dempseys 1x 5" Spotted Raphael Cat 55 Gallon Stock: 3x Marbled Angels 4x Julidochromis Marlieri 4x Juvenile Neolamprologus 1x White Calvus 1x Black Calvus 3x Cory Cats 1x Farlewala Cat 1x Clown Pleco 1x Albino Chocolate Pleco 1x Bushy Nose Pleco 1x Callochromis Pleurospilus 4x ottocinclus 3x Rainbows (not sure on species)
T THEcreep Feeder Fish MFK Member Apr 8, 2012 #288 Egon said: ^^^ Nice shot! Click to expand... Thanks egon! Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
Egon said: ^^^ Nice shot! Click to expand... Thanks egon! Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
CanadianKeeper Fire Eel MFK Member Apr 25, 2012 #290 This thread has some amazing tanks ! I will post pics of my 180 when I get my phone back (it doubles as my camera haha)
This thread has some amazing tanks ! I will post pics of my 180 when I get my phone back (it doubles as my camera haha)