G Gar88 Plecostomus MFK Member Aug 6, 2014 #532 With some changes Sent from my iPad using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
Alexraptor Feeder Fish MFK Member Sep 8, 2014 #533 This is my 60 gallon tank that houses my oscar of 10 years and my Pleco of 13(shadow in the left corner). Just had to get a shot of it today, while the Java Ferns I moved over from my RBP's tank are still fixed and intact!
This is my 60 gallon tank that houses my oscar of 10 years and my Pleco of 13(shadow in the left corner). Just had to get a shot of it today, while the Java Ferns I moved over from my RBP's tank are still fixed and intact!
K Kyle_91 Jack Dempsey MFK Member Sep 9, 2014 #534 My 90 gallon amazon planted tank View attachment 1036171View attachment 1036172
G gg1 Feeder Fish MFK Member Sep 15, 2014 #536 Pic takin w phone ...by far I'm not a photographer....my 150 Sent from my HTC One_M8 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
Pic takin w phone ...by far I'm not a photographer....my 150 Sent from my HTC One_M8 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
Chaitika Silver Tier VIP MFK Member Sep 15, 2014 #537 Good job keeping tho thread alive! There's some beautiful tanks and fish in this thread.
G Gar88 Plecostomus MFK Member Oct 17, 2014 #538 A 35G grow poly grow out housing Ornate's and Teugelsi's. Sent from my iPad using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
A 35G grow poly grow out housing Ornate's and Teugelsi's. Sent from my iPad using MonsterAquariaNetwork app