E ettfettbranamn Polypterus MFK Member Oct 19, 2014 #542 2,5 tonnes as it is now bro and 8th floor.. I didn't want to risk it by adding a 6-800kg sump..
C casanomy Feeder Fish MFK Member Oct 21, 2014 #543 Can't really get a full shot either... about 4 ton of water (tank :160" x 36" x 48", sump: 144" x 30" x 27")
Can't really get a full shot either... about 4 ton of water (tank :160" x 36" x 48", sump: 144" x 30" x 27")
C casanomy Feeder Fish MFK Member Oct 21, 2014 #544 Scene from different lighting.... daytime, full lighting and dim (24hr) lighting
Evz jardini Jardini MFK Member Oct 21, 2014 #545 Wow :what: your take is amazing I'm very very jealous :thumbup: Sent from my Nexus 7 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
Wow :what: your take is amazing I'm very very jealous :thumbup: Sent from my Nexus 7 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
jeaninel Goliath Tigerfish MFK Member Oct 22, 2014 #547 Wow! Some amazing tanks on here! Here's my 135 gallon mostly CA cichlids tank
K kookiejar2 Gambusia MFK Member Nov 6, 2014 #549 Fantastic inspirations! Here's a few of mine.... From top to bottom: Polleni, gator gar, hybrid community and a close up of breeding in the hybrid community.
Fantastic inspirations! Here's a few of mine.... From top to bottom: Polleni, gator gar, hybrid community and a close up of breeding in the hybrid community.
MoNsTeR FiS Jack Dempsey MFK Member Nov 6, 2014 #550 My tank setup Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app