long time didnt update my big guy....
it was sick...
white dusty powder on it body...
and a week later though it will heal itself as this guy is a fighter...
it become worst...
both eye is seriously injured, turn white and even with both len crack...
I tell myself...siao liao
so add heater 30 over, with waterlife and about 2 week plus the "velvet" heal but not the eyes (but seem abit better)..then i stop the treatment and the "velvet" came back..
so after another treatment 3 week plus. Everything left the eyes.
Today 1 eye is 100% back to normal..the other eye still left about >5% more to heal.
Almost takes about 3 month for it to heal, from a deep crack len to back to normal...the crack part seem to grow skin on it with surrounding cloudy, and slowly the skin part will become smaller as they heal...
i notice they heal very slow when they are sick....
and "velvet" is quite deadly...
and aimara healing power is AMAZING