After going back and forth about substrate (complicated somewhat by having to take into account the needs of my GB's Bichir tank mate), I finally decided (at least initially) to use a mixed set-up: tiled in the center, with decent sized rocks around the edges (which are surely big enough my Birchir won't swallow them
The main reason I'm using the rocks is that the center of tank is recessed due to the outer edges being supported by glass crossbars or whatever you call them. I didn't feel like putting tile all along the edges, too much extra work come cleaning time. I'll scatter the rocks around a bit more to make it look more natural. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if over time I take out the rocks and just leave the edges as BB.
I've seen horror videos of peeps with tiled tanks discovering how much detritus can actually accumulate under the tiles -- but they were lazy and waited 6 months-1 yr to clean under them; I'm borderline OCD with my tanks' cleanliness, so wouldn't let it get to that stage. Just as with my bare bottom Kamfa tank, I'll be using one my best friends to help me zap out waste before it really even has time to settle under any of the tiles.
A couple of wave makers will be added at the right side to push any waste toward the left cornerSo water was added to the tank today, I'll show more pix tomorrow as it's pretty blue due to water conditioner (house is on a well with good water, just using the conditioner for first filling of tank and clean the new substrate a bit). Will be tweaking the plumbing a bit (and later installing a pre-filter and new UV sterilizer under the tank).
As I've done with my Kamfa's tank to protect his noggin, I tied pieces of new yoga mat around the thick glass crossbars, which will help reduce the chance of injury a bit in case of Aro jumping.
Tomorrow, besides putting black Oyama sticker on back and sides, pre-seeded bio-media will be going into the tank and filter (along with some Ocean Nutrition pellets to give the bacteria a bit of sustenance). A day or two later the Bichir and possibly another tank mate will be going in before my GB's arrival.