• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Prepping for and Surviving power outtages

3) Perform filter maintenance, lightly rinse media/media chamber and float media in tank.

A very important thing to know is that the debris (organic matter)
and the bio-mass in your filters can die and turn toxic in a very short time period.
This can kill your fish if you let the filters flush this into the tank when power comes back,
filter media should be removed and floated in the tank,
this will preserve your bio-bacteria and they will continue to convert waste.
You may improve the limited bio filtration by placing a airstone beneath the media to induce circulation thru the media...
BPAP's can run sponge filters.
The filters should be either unplugged or primed to restart when the power returns.

About this step. I currently have a 75 gallon in my bedroom with two Emperor 400 HOB filters, an Ehiem Canister Filter and a 900GPH Air-Circulator Pump. At night (between the hours of 1am to 3pm the next day) I have my HOB filters set to turn OFF, so to reduce the noise when sleeping (this tank is literally right next to my bed, I can reach over and touch it). The EHIEM and the aircirculator both run during this time.... do you think this is a potentially dangerous choice? Ive really enjoyed the quietness of it as I've only been running the system this way for a few weeks.

The tank only houses two 6yr+ adult Silver Dollars and a handfull of clown loaches..
Can anyone recommend a good UPS? that is a fancy abbreviation for back up battery. I would want one that can run 150W for 8hrs..... that seems like a large demand i think...

I thought I posted on this thread but can't find it. Perhaps I'm in the wrong thread or the link to the product I use was consider Spam? LOL

Anyway, I'm using Tripp-lite 750 watt inverter that has two deep cycle marine batteries connected to it in parallel. You can add as many as you want to increase amps and running time. It will run my 750 gallon tank system for hours without the heaters if the power goes out. It automatically kicks over to the batteries if there is a power outage, and will recharge the battery or keep it charged when there isn't. There are also indicator lights that show the status of the system.

If you look around the net you should be able to find one for under $300.00. I consider it well worth the investment and it will let me sleep better at night.

I tried a computer UPS for a previous system half the size of the one I have now. I fried in a matter of minutes. Couldn't handle a 30 watt pump.
Can anyone recommend a good UPS? that is a fancy abbreviation for back up battery. I would want one that can run 150W for 8hrs..... that seems like a large demand i think...


Are you including your heaters? If so, the heaters are typically left off the battery back up to allow essential systems to run longer. It takes quite a while for water to cool down especially large systems.
About this step. I currently have a 75 gallon in my bedroom with two Emperor 400 HOB filters, an Ehiem Canister Filter and a 900GPH Air-Circulator Pump. At night (between the hours of 1am to 3pm the next day) I have my HOB filters set to turn OFF, so to reduce the noise when sleeping (this tank is literally right next to my bed, I can reach over and touch it). The EHIEM and the aircirculator both run during this time.... do you think this is a potentially dangerous choice? Ive really enjoyed the quietness of it as I've only been running the system this way for a few weeks.

The tank only houses two 6yr+ adult Silver Dollars and a handfull of clown loaches..[

Sleeping till 3 is a little late lol but as long as there is still circulation and air you will be fine. Its only a 75 you could get away with one of those hob but I guess the canister would be the quietest

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Are you including your heaters? If so, the heaters are typically left off the battery back up to allow essential systems to run longer. It takes quite a while for water to cool down especially large systems.

In locations where they have winter/snow, a separate UPS might be good for the heater. Temps can drop really fast during the winter season.
I survived a 14hr power outage using this method it works, I was not prepared as I have a newer house with power lines underground and have never lost power before. I bought a 800watt converter and ran 2 sumps, a ehiem 2080, ehiem 2234, 3 air pumps, my refrigerator total draw was 584 watts. Ran it off the jeep battery for 30minutes off 1 hr on worked great. THANK YOU FOR THIS WRITE UP