• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Prepping for and Surviving power outtages

Well I have 4 tanks (135, 75, 55, and 20 high). We lost power for four days this week (Friday night until Tuesday night) and somehow managed to only lose one tiger barb out of the 55. Didn't have a battery powered air pump so relied on the 'pitcher method' (dipping a pitcher in the water and pouring it back into the tank - each tank about 5-15 times) twice a day. Did no water changes because our basement is as close to pitch black as you can get in a power outage. Thankfully the basement stayed in the high 70's, so the temp was fine. Canisters stayed closed, connected and plugged in the whole time and turned on when power finally restored - no problems (actually just forgot to deal with them, so LUCKY!). HOBs and w/d just waited as well. Have sponges in two tanks. Fish are tough. I just didn't feed them at all during this and their water quality returned in less than 24 hours of being back on (even waited until today to do water changes in case the bacteria colony needed time to replenish - plus there was no need to do it immediately). Planted 20 gallon did by far the best, despite no light at all. It looked like the power had never gone out.

Just a story of luck and circumstances. I keep mostly cichlids, barbs, tetras and cats (including plecos). They took it on the chin like it was nothing. No need to panic in these situations if you've got hardy fish. Delicates are another matter I'd wager.

As always, the best prep is keeping your tanks in good condition all the time and not overstocking.
I wish we knew when earthquakes were coming, but that's a whole other disaster. This is great information.
As an hobbyist who lost 36 tanks of fish including 12 inch plus groupers i had for more than 10 years, I am always prepared now for freaks of nature such as Hurricane Charlie which left us without electricity for more than 2 weeks.

I now do 50% water changes on every tanl in the 24 hours before an exprected storm. I also collect and treat 3 fifty gallon containers of water for aquarium use.

I now stop feeding 24 hours before an expected storm

I now go through every tank and remove all non-essential electrical devices before attaching labeled electrical cords to a fish room dedicated generator. I have another one to run essential functions in the house.

Last time we had an alert we were spared as Wilma travel south of us, but I had Trimac fry shortly after the large water changes!
I like the inner tube idea. It should be much cheaper than the generator. Thanks for the ideas everyone.
I will be running a Tripp Lite auto-switching inverter/charger on my tank.
1250 watt and 2000 watt models

You plug the power strip for the pumps into the inverter and the inverter into the wall.
It will automatically sense when the power goes out and instantly switch over to the batteries.
It also keeps the batteries fully charged and ready.

I will put the 2 main pumps that circulate back to the tank and the closed loop bio pump.
Between the 2 pumps that should be pulling 200 watts +/-. You lose lights, UV, and heaters, but keep your pumps running no matter what.

A pair of 75Ah sealed yellow top Optima batteries will power that for 4-6 hours
A pair of 150Ah golf cart batteries would easily last 12 hours.
Want more power for longer ? Just keeping adding more deep cycle batteries.
A row of 6 golf cart batteries would run a low power efficient system for days.
Wow, my head is spinning right now. You guys back East have a lot to deal with. I only have to deal with Brownouts, Blackouts and the occasional idot hitting a power transformer, or fallen tree branch taking down a power line.
Anyways... on a smaller scale... (still in planning mode) my finished setup will include:
A couple Tunze 1073.05 recirculation pumps, with dual +12V batteries in series (+24VDC) as backup power source.
One or two AirPod Air Pumps w/ Battery backup (4xD). I might mod these, wiring the battery contact straight to a +12V baterry with voltage divider.
As for Heat, I am still looking for an affordable DC heat source, or go with a UPS to run heaters.
Loads of great info here! I lost my 180 reef setup before due to power and it taught me the hard way.