Pressurized CO2 Injection - 101

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I might try DIY co2 for my 75 gallon, or a really cheap co2 systel, does it matter if the tank has a stand or not?
Columbian Shark Catfish;4285549;4285549 said:
I might try DIY co2 for my 75 gallon, or a really cheap co2 systel, does it matter if the tank has a stand or not?
what do you mean, the tank will be sitting on the floor?
not sure how it will work/not work with DIY since i dont know about this method, but with pressurized it wont matter. just a note though, since it's on the floor, are you using HOB filters? these filters may cause a lot of water movement and gas off your co2 if you dont keep topping off the tank to minimize splashing. a gentle surface current is good, water splashing is not.
Well there is a lot of water splashing, but I could minimize it somehow with a plastic ramp or something.

but because I'm changing out the sand for the eco complete, I was thinking of getting a couple cinder blocks for a stand? or are those no good because the pressure on them will make them crack?
ive seen lots of people use cinder blocks for stands. if its a glass tank, just make sure the tank's plastic trim sits evenly and is adequately supported by the block. if it's acrylic, top the cinder blocks with a thick sheet of plywood. actually, the plywood wont be a bad idea for the glass as well, but it's not needed
promotes faster gas exchange, much in the same reason adding an air stone oxygenates the water. in a tank where youre injecting co2, you want to keep surface splashing and agitation to a minimum. strong currents in the tank are very important, but no splashing. youll just end up dissipating a lot of your precious co2! :)
ok, and I've heard that DIY isn't as much as the normal ones, so what if I was to use like four 2 liter bottles?

And I'll probably dose with excel
sorry man, cant help you with DIY. i know absolutely squat about it lol! when going co2 i decided that i didnt like the thought of DIY and sugar and yeast and messy bottles so i never bothered looking into it. went pressurized and never looked back :D

although i can tell you that most people recommend only using DIY on smaller tanks, like 30g or less. on larger tanks it's just not possible to get good co2 levels using DIY. same goes for Excel. just something to keep in mind if you decide to go for a high-tech setup. of course, you could always keep your lighting at low to medium levels, thus reducing the demand for co2. then DIY/Excel may work for you