Questionable Piranha Tank-mates

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
i had 2 ottos...they were killed by the time i threw the the bag away. :( i still have 1 1" blue gill that made it...he has been in there 2 months and this week has a chunk outta him. no one is safe
when I had piranha's I got them as juvies and fed them guppy's and such but when they were a little bigger there was one male left and he stayed in the tank for a year with no problems and so I gave him a mate and in 2 weeks it went from 2 to about 25 guppy's and whenever I put food in they would be the first in on the action
even when the feeder goldies went in the guppy's would go strait for them and as soon as there was a few peices of scrapes around theyed go for it
they were like little piranha's god I loved them
Nothing can live with piranhas. I have tried many things from large oscars, plecos, and small fish. I worked at a fish store and fully stocked my 150g tank with live plants, bogwood, and about 200 small fish, such as neons. Everyday more were missing... Its a matter of time before what you put in the tank is eaten.
a quick update on my 220...The pleco was
mauled by my dozen babies. Not sure if he died from unknown causes and the ate
the corspe or if they justy killed him. The Ps are still under three inches and the pleco
was about 5 maybe 6"... These little guys
are really not shy of me either. I think i got
ahold of some mutants lol...Cute little guys
none the less. RIP pleco. I feel pretty bad.
BIGgourami;681378; said:
how about buck toothed tertas?

your avatar is dancing to my music DUKE SPECIAL -portrait lololololololol
Lol I Made a mistake.. I can't belive i didnt notice this... I put one of my pirhana's in my community tank...No biggy tho only a couple 20 neon tetra's in there...-.-
I currently have a Pleco and 4 Ghost Shrimp in my tank with my piranhas.
The pleco has been in there for almost a year, and the ghost shrimp have been in there for about 6 months.
my lfs has a school of about a dozen rbp with another half dozen of silver dollars, but the funny thing is when the worker said to some lady the silver ones are nice the spotted ones arnt but when the lady got the dollars there was a rbp in the bag too so I pointed it out to her

I could oonly imagine a few months later the piranha killing all the barbs and tetras

but yeah I guess silver dollars could work
Lol beleive it or not but i put a jewel chiclid in my rbp tank to be eaten an he has been in there for about three weeks an he just sits there with them .It looks like he checks things out for them then they attack w.e. it is ahaha its so wierd.