Questionable Piranha Tank-mates

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Hi all, I'm new here. This has probably been asked before but I'd like to know more about what would happen if I put 4 RBP's (size:around 5 cm each) together with:
1. 1 Silver Arowana (size: around 50 cm).
2. 1 RTC X TSN catfish (size: around 20 cm).
3. 1 Tiger catfish (size: around 20 cm).

They will share a 200 x 100 x 60 cm semi-outdoor pond (about 1200 litres), and there are some aquatic plants in there (Ceratophyllum demersum). I put in black colored sand as substrate. There are also some small feeder fish (Oreochromis mossambicus, common carp fish - all sized around 5 cm, and black tetras) that for some reason have never been eaten.

I'm quite sure that the Arowana and the catfish will not attack the RBP's because this Arowana for some reason doesn't really like eating fish. He prefers crickets and frogs.

Will the RBP get along okay with the Arowana and the catfish? Or will the RBP nibble on the Arowana's/catfish's fins? Or even worse, will the Arowana & catfish get killed?

thanks for the replies.
i think atm the rbps wouldnt dare attck an aro that big

"I'm quite sure that the Arowana and the catfish will not attack the RBP's because this Arowana for some reason doesn't really like eating fish. He prefers crickets and frogs."

but the cat may just eat the rbps coz they tend to eat anything that fits in their mouth

and if the rbps grow they may kill the aro and cat

not a good idea for me
but its your call
I've had 4 Rbp's with a JD, a Texas Cichlid and a Common Pleco (all juvenile) for about a day now with no problems yet :D
I have a 55 gallon tank with 9 RBPs in it, there about 2 1/2 inches. They seem to be doing great and there eating alot. I was wondering how often im supposed to feed them and what im supposed to be feeding them, so far its just been feeders and blood worms. Im also curious to know if they can live with any other species, i put 2 plecos in yesterday and so far they havent been killed. Ive only had the tank for about two weeks now and i really want them to thrive, so i kinda have alot of questions........
yarok;3040693; said:
I have a 55 gallon tank with 9 RBPs in it, there about 2 1/2 inches. They seem to be doing great and there eating alot. I was wondering how often im supposed to feed them and what im supposed to be feeding them, so far its just been feeders and blood worms. Im also curious to know if they can live with any other species, i put 2 plecos in yesterday and so far they havent been killed. Ive only had the tank for about two weeks now and i really want them to thrive, so i kinda have alot of questions........

Welcome to MFK. You've come to the right place. Before anyone else says it, you should start looking for a tank upgrade. I wouldn't even keep one adult RBP in a 55g. You gonna need a 120 or 125 for 6 and an even bigger tank for nine.

The best thing to feed P's is shrimp and fish filets. They love live foods like feeders, but don't feed rosy reds, goldfish or any other cypronids. They have high levels of a thiaminase inhibiting hormone. Basically it interferes with the way your RBP's metabolize B vitamins, which are essential. Feeding cypronids is a good way to stunt, kill, or infect your P's.

The rest of your posts should be in the section under this one. Just click new topic and ask away. This thread is for discussion about tankmates.

there are two kinds of fish in a piranha tank regardless of species.

1. Piranhas pygocentrus, serrasalmus, and pristobrycon genuses.

2. Feeders. All other fish become food sources for the P's. Some people will tell you that plecos are okay, but eventually they will be severely nipped or eaten entirely.

Piranhas tanks are species only.
I have 9 RBPs and was told that i could put some tetras in there, i bought 5 today and they didnt even last an hour......
yarok;3042736; said:
I have 9 RBPs and was told that i could put some tetras in there, i bought 5 today and they didnt even last an hour......

they are right that you can put tetras in with your rbps, as feeders (food) not as tank mates. the lfs that told you this probably just want to make few quick bucks off you.
The piranha tank at my local aquarium contains lot's of livebearers motoro rays and a big crenicichla. It's been this way for about 18 months.
I think it's been successful due to the size of the tank though.
I have 2 Quarter sized RBPirahnas in with my 2 Sen Bichirs in my 55gal so far no problems but what are some recommendations as to these two co-existing. tank layout is one side is pretty much open while the other side is planted and has a large rock (decoration) in which they all use to hide just depends on who gets in first