E ericntiff Feeder Fish MFK Member Mar 27, 2010 57 0 0 New York Mar 28, 2010 #1,531 some of those i never even seen before there pretty cool especially the pleco!!
M magnus2011 Gambusia MFK Member Mar 16, 2010 8 0 16 philippines Apr 2, 2010 #1,532 wow! a very nice thread
C Coues Jack Dempsey MFK Member Mar 29, 2010 268 3 33 New Jersey Apr 2, 2010 #1,533 Ctrl_Alt_Dlt;3988219; said: what are these called? Can you show a full body pic? Thanks! Click to expand... Crenicichla multispinosa I believe.
Ctrl_Alt_Dlt;3988219; said: what are these called? Can you show a full body pic? Thanks! Click to expand... Crenicichla multispinosa I believe.
Fishes33 Polypterus MFK Member Apr 4, 2006 3,688 182 96 Canada, Toronto Apr 5, 2010 #1,534 fugupuff;3691069; said: can you guess what kind of alien fish this is? also collected from our China trip (Page 147) Click to expand... I use to have the smaller size of it, but they are in fish heaven now!
fugupuff;3691069; said: can you guess what kind of alien fish this is? also collected from our China trip (Page 147) Click to expand... I use to have the smaller size of it, but they are in fish heaven now!
D dwightdstjohn Feeder Fish MFK Member Jan 14, 2008 32 0 0 Canada Apr 5, 2010 #1,535 I can't get enough of this! bring more!
L llamafacethizzmasta Feeder Fish MFK Member Apr 9, 2010 7 0 0 Nor_Cal Apr 9, 2010 #1,537 iza taka damp wash rag n eat the lettuice man in the shed after it went to a shower!
fugupuff M.A.N. Community Vendor Community Vendor MFK Member Mar 14, 2005 4,413 1,897 2,179 Fish Heaven Apr 10, 2010 #1,539 Fishes33;4045465; said: I use to have the smaller size of it, but they are in fish heaven now! Click to expand... btw, that's not the same fish at all, the ones you have are glyptothorax trilineatus, a different family of fish really. Bagridae is yours and balitoridae for mine Reactions: Matteus
Fishes33;4045465; said: I use to have the smaller size of it, but they are in fish heaven now! Click to expand... btw, that's not the same fish at all, the ones you have are glyptothorax trilineatus, a different family of fish really. Bagridae is yours and balitoridae for mine