Rare Fish pic From Rare Fish series

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Some selected perch pictures

I'd love to get some real bullrout, always been one of my favorite fish, maybe you can ship some out to the states!
Down here in western sydney australia i go fishing in my local river the Nepean River and scope out any where between 20 to 30 of them each week in the summer months.
Can any one please tell me what these fish are? Common name please as they look like our local but famous barramundi, maybe
For get that i posted with out reading through.
I have now read through every post in this topic a total of 5 hours walking around the house with a ipad in one hand and note book and pen right by my side. My p***ed off wife will 2nd me on that.
Wes i've read through the haters,fakers and true hobbist that have posted in here. I really do admire you and work through all the bulls**t it doesn't seem like you have ever changed. After reading throught all the years of post i thought my travel would come to sad end. In sight that you had a shop in the states i had a new spot i wanted to visit when i'm in the US next, then i read you sold the shop my heart died, but i see why you did. And respect you more for that.
As the the post got closer to now the fish still kept comming. (This is where i would lay down my jaket in a puddle for you) because what you do for us here as monster fish keepers and what you do for the hobby in general is just for the love. The hours you have put in to this truely make you a man worthy of all MFKers respect.
You have inspired me to take my keeping to another level. And i truely thank you for that.
I now look forward to seeing more pics and hopefully getting tochat with about some of them. Keep up the unreal work. Thank you again.
wow, that is some reply. I don't think I've ever been put on a pedestal like this in the past. I really try to draw attention away from me, even in real life, but I have to admit, who can truely say they don't enjoy some praises once in a while?

For all that, I feel like I cannot live up to my reputation much longer, as the rare fish are becoming far and few between, and my wife just said that I spend probably 5 hours a day on the internet looking for new and rare fish and the next place to go find rare fish. goby2 (2).jpgmicropthalma.jpg

Here is the latest, the true mastecembelus brichardi from Congo. This has not been imported in over 20 years!

For get that i posted with out reading through.
I have now read through every post in this topic a total of 5 hours walking around the house with a ipad in one hand and note book and pen right by my side. My p***ed off wife will 2nd me on that.
Wes i've read through the haters,fakers and true hobbist that have posted in here. I really do admire you and work through all the bulls**t it doesn't seem like you have ever changed. After reading throught all the years of post i thought my travel would come to sad end. In sight that you had a shop in the states i had a new spot i wanted to visit when i'm in the US next, then i read you sold the shop my heart died, but i see why you did. And respect you more for that.
As the the post got closer to now the fish still kept comming. (This is where i would lay down my jaket in a puddle for you) because what you do for us here as monster fish keepers and what you do for the hobby in general is just for the love. The hours you have put in to this truely make you a man worthy of all MFKers respect.
You have inspired me to take my keeping to another level. And i truely thank you for that.
I now look forward to seeing more pics and hopefully getting tochat with about some of them. Keep up the unreal work. Thank you again.


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Its sad that rare fish and even in our case in australia common fish are harder to come by now days because of laws. What i don't understand is that we the hobbist are in this because we love and care about these fish. I myself like studing my fishs behavoure, eating habbits and so on. What i'm trying to get at is though we're not buying fish to release in to the wild we're buying them because we love'em. Bit of track sorry. Love the fish