Finished tinkering with my partition of the sump to run the moving media stuff.
Got 1cu.ft. of utm1 media (looks just like k1 but slightly bigger?)
it's powered by a Pondmaster AP-40 with 4x Hydroponic stones that are about 2" round, supersized standard airstones. Pump is loud but it's sound deadened in the stand so it's not so loud once the doors are closed.
Vid was taken with water level halfway of it's normal water level cause I was messing with some of the other pumps.
this partition is fed from one of the overflows which goes through filter padding > drip tray > ~5g bio-balls > UTM1 media... then it flows through the partition plate then goes through the partition for small fish then through roughly 12-13L of Pond Matrix media then back into the tank.