Thanks for the good read Reed. (pun intended)

I'm pulling the ugly, mum filled, bio ball filled, old school, all submerged, miserable excuse for a sump out from under the stand, replacing with a skinnier 125 gallon then putting a 55 gallon reactor in front of it. Better filtration, hides the ugly, and there will be a nice reactor to stare at........
I'd post pics but since it's not running yet, and there doesn't seem to be much interest in this thread anymore, maybe I'll save them for a rainy day (instead of a snow day)......

I'm pulling the ugly, mum filled, bio ball filled, old school, all submerged, miserable excuse for a sump out from under the stand, replacing with a skinnier 125 gallon then putting a 55 gallon reactor in front of it. Better filtration, hides the ugly, and there will be a nice reactor to stare at........
I'd post pics but since it's not running yet, and there doesn't seem to be much interest in this thread anymore, maybe I'll save them for a rainy day (instead of a snow day)......