REACTORS- Filtration for stingrays

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Thanks for the good read Reed. (pun intended) :ROFL: :banhim:

I'm pulling the ugly, mum filled, bio ball filled, old school, all submerged, miserable excuse for a sump out from under the stand, replacing with a skinnier 125 gallon then putting a 55 gallon reactor in front of it. Better filtration, hides the ugly, and there will be a nice reactor to stare at........

I'd post pics but since it's not running yet, and there doesn't seem to be much interest in this thread anymore, maybe I'll save them for a rainy day (instead of a snow day)......
So anyone posting "my fish seem so much more active and happy immediately after adding the reactor to my tank" is just some experiencing some type of strange filtration placebo effect in their mind haha.


I just wanted to quote that one, i dont think it is placebo effect. I think its the fishes getting the oxygen they probably should have had in the first place :) I myselfe noticed changes in my own tank when i cut the return pipes to above waterlever in the sump. Alot more oxygen when its crashing down, compared to when i had them underwater.

I also wanna say that this thread is a joy! One of the best threads on MFK stingray section for a long time! Keep us updated on your setups :) Lets play together :)
the joke is i pointed all the problems out at the start but its like you guys didnt trust me

its nice the term traffic jam has stuck because thats what happens

the video shows my first try with air but that was a waste of time my next try was putting a eheim 2252 internal filter in the section that had a flow of 1200 lph that worked a bit better

now i just use the k1 in filter bags floating on top of my other media in the main sump section and just stir it up once per month
the joke is i pointed all the problems out at the start but its like you guys didnt trust me

its nice the term traffic jam has stuck because thats what happens

the video shows my first try with air but that was a waste of time my next try was putting a eheim 2252 internal filter in the section that had a flow of 1200 lph that worked a bit better

now i just use the k1 in filter bags floating on top of my other media in the main sump section and just stir it up once per month

Why would we trust someone that says moving beds are "rubbish"? Why would we trust someone so capable of pointing out flaws yet incapable of fixing them? IF you got all these problems nailed down then why don't you have a working moving bed? Was it just easier to convince yourself that what you already had was as good as it could possibly get?

"Traffic jams" happen for a reason. Either fix it, or convince yourself it's just part of life and there's nothing you can do about it. Either way fixes it, but only one gets you a working reactor........ :grinno:
Here is mine. Its a 150 gallon acrylic tank (5x2x2) with 150 litres of k1 media. I had to build my own diffuser out of pvc and drill 1/16 holes every inch and it covers the entire bottom of the tank and it's being powered by a pondmaster ap100. The drains are located on both sides of the tank (bottom) but i never had to use it as i never see any debris in the bottom. I'm using this in conjunction with a 120 gallon wet dry filter. 2 mag 12's are in the sump to feed the reactor then the overflows back to the sump through 2 100 micron filter socks next to the return pumps to push the water back up to the main tank.

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Looks very nice jette! What kind of air pump?

Sent from my LG-P999 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
Sweet do it yourself air setup, I like it. Knowing that pump is 149 liters per minutes makes me think a 90 liter per minute pump will work great for my setup

Sent from my DROIDX using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
Very nice set up jette!

There's a LFS with a broken skimmer that is about 5ft tall and about 2ft in dia. that I think would make a nice reactor.

snake, I think he's using the pondmaster, ap100 would be the model number.
I have the ap40 on mine and seeing it gush water/bubbles well past the water line the ap100 is a beast!