Started looking at this thread but it is way to long too totally read through. Started reading about traffic jams and found that weird as that is something I've never seen in mine. Currently I'm using a 50 gallon rubbermaid garbage can with 5 large round airstones fed from an ap-100 pump which only supplies a fraction to the airstones. My inlet is on the bottom and as soon as it comes in it 90's to keep the water circling. My outlet is a prefilter for a sump pump found at the farm supply companies out here that has a 2" npt male connector on it and a mesh style barrel filter housing. My inlet is a partial feed found after my pool sand filter outlet. Everything works great except most my bio actually lives in my pool sand filter so I need to revamp putting my inlet for my reactor before my sand filter inlet and then through a mechanical filter. My sand filter will support more bio than my tank puts out but come backwash time I loose alot of my bio down the drain. I've got at least 5 cubic feet of k1 and biochips in the reactor. When I was backwashing daily and doing large waterchanges for breeding my pool sand filter would loose most of it's bio and the reactor took over and worked perfect. Not sure on the points I'm making but just putting it out there if people have question. And if you don't know me my tank is 2200 gallons and has some massive rays and fish with about 4 lbs of food a day when rays aren't pregnant.