REACTORS- Filtration for stingrays


MFK Member
May 13, 2012
Good point. But it is in the basement.
And the newer compressors are getting quieter and more efficient. I'll have to check wattage and see if it's worth it. Another thing is, it might not even run 3 mins an hour. Could be less

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DB junkie

Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2007
Am I the only one that thinks an air compressor is a bad idea? You have metal on metal making the air in that thing, which means you have lubricant which last I checked is bad news for the fish. Moisture in the tank will lead to polutants in the air you're pumping into the tank. Couldn't pay me to try this on my fish. I'd flush the toilet into my tank first, at least then I think my filter has a chance at processing it, I know it's not gonna process that cool rainbow colored looking stuff you see on the top of the water in puddles in the parking lot, which is likely what's going to come out the bottom drain of that compressor......


Mantilla Stingray
MFK Member
Feb 9, 2012
West Jordan Utah
Here is my idea with an in sump setup and fighting the flow that the water pump is making. If I make my own air diffusing PVC pipe system I can put allot of air at one side to fight the flow a good bit and push the media back to middle, and around and around it will go, its already working in small scale in my tank with a small air pump and a couple power heads. Opinions?? uploadfromtaptalk1363363772743.jpg

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MFK Member
May 13, 2012
Am I the only one that thinks an air compressor is a bad idea? You have metal on metal making the air in that thing, which means you have lubricant which last I checked is bad news for the fish. Moisture in the tank will lead to polutants in the air you're pumping into the tank. Couldn't pay me to try this on my fish. I'd flush the toilet into my tank first, at least then I think my filter has a chance at processing it, I know it's not gonna process that cool rainbow colored looking stuff you see on the top of the water in puddles in the parking lot, which is likely what's going to come out the bottom drain of that compressor......
Wow! Chill! Just an idea
U know they make water separaters and driers to.
But your probably correct. Might not be worth it
Thanks for input

Could u tell me exactly how big the k1 media is?
Is the ultima 11 media about the same?

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Mantilla Stingray
MFK Member
Feb 9, 2012
West Jordan Utah
Ultima media is allot larger mostly longer. K1 is small stuff you can look up the specs on it. And he was chill he was just saying some good info to others looking at this yes a little graphic but ohh well

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DB junkie

Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2007
Maybe just an idea but with a blackie in your avatar, it's a bad one. Not trying to come off like a poop head, just making a point, and watching out for the flat fish.

No idea how big ultima stuff is. K1 fits through egg grate.


MFK Member
May 13, 2012
Thanks. I appreciate your fish concern
I wouldn't do anything to harm my Leo's

Media question was to determine what kind of return to use.
I just got an ultima11 4000 and wanted to see how that media would work
That stuff is pretty small

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DB junkie

Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2007
Here is my idea with an in sump setup and fighting the flow that the water pump is making. If I make my own air diffusing PVC pipe system I can put allot of air at one side to fight the flow a good bit and push the media back to middle, and around and around it will go, its already working in small scale in my tank with a small air pump and a couple power heads. Opinions?? View attachment 892945

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My worry is your moving bed is subject to water level changes in your sump. You want your bed to remain as undisturbed as possible. The first strainer..... Replace that with a baffle. A few bulkhead fittings in the baffle above the water level of the moving bed area will allow the water to crash down on the media for 4K gph (if that's your flowrate) worth of agitation. Problem is now you just knocked several inches of height off the moving bed, but I'd bet the farm it will work better. Replace the second strainer with a baffle to get water level up, mesh from where the baffle ends to top of sump. Cover entire moving bed area with mesh so it doesn't overflow in the event you need to use meds or an airpump failure, or just a power cut that drives water level in the sump way up.

I'm using a 125 as a sump on my current build and decided a 55 gallon tank as a reactor will be the direction I'm taking. Just not enough room in there for the amount of media I'll be using after factoring in baffles, strainers, aeration, and water level. Would leave me with like 6 inches of useable height, and the idea of the water level fluctuating was the straw that broke the idea.


Mantilla Stingray
MFK Member
Feb 9, 2012
West Jordan Utah
With my sump and the auto drip/ drain keeps the whole setup at the same water level all the time, with power shut off it goes up just 2 inches so not allot at all. The egg crate goes all the way to the top of the sump overflow is never an option with the drain, after a power shut off the media will probably just hit the bottom because of how much I have and the water level will go down a bit because of it draining out but allot will stay wet, power lose is super super rare here. I'm not asking about rebuilding the whole sump, I'm asking thoughts on my idea, it will work the same all the water pushes media down the sump water flow and air pushes water up to top and back creating a tumble from the flow of water through sump going low because of water from air pushing it down.

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DB junkie

Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2007
Shows what I know...... lol.

I wouldn't even think you'd be able to power cut a 10x4 with a 125 sump and have it restart.......

Maybe your media doesn't have tthe same tendancy to float as K1. If you want to test it just treat with Prazi when you get it going. If it doesn't float out of the sump with air going, or plug up when you remove air then you should be good to go. :)

What kind of water pump are you using if you don't mind me asking?

I thought you wanted opinions on your idea, I gave mine, I'd lay the sump out different, didn't know that kind of change was out of the question......

Good luck on your build. I'll keep quiet from here on out. :footinmou