I see a lot of barred midas on here. The bars usually just indicate f0 (wild) fish or f1 fish. Don't see them in the pet stores much but its because devils and midas are so common and most people start off with pet store devils which are usually hybrids rather than nice wild specimens. Theres only one store I know of that actually sells barred midas. Rather than getting barred midas I got some saggitae which are closely related but a whole different species, still amphilophus though which is all that counts in my book. Heres my pair if you haven't seen my thread already. They are commonly referred to as "black devils" although they're not very common
I have 5 midas and 2 red devils I think lol, I need to go do a headcount on my 135. I've lost a few lately so I'm not sure. I have some red devil fry from one of my pairs too but not sure how many I have left.
I've also got this crazy hybrid with who knows whats in him but he looks mostly amphilophus.
I was told he was a manaconda(jagXfestae) X devil/midas.