Early on I had problems with mine scratching its face up. The damage always healed within a week. I never really noticed much with rubbing against the glass but he would constantly bang into the lid. Floating cover helped to alleviate the issue. I’d say he’s calmed with age and size but at 8-9 inches he’s as ravenous as he was at 3.
He's quit doing it. He would just swim full speed into the glass. I'd be on my computer and hear BANG. I left algae on the glass specifically to show the barrier, so he knew the edge was there. I'm not sure why he stopped, but luckily he did. Generally he hides in pvc unless it's feeding time. He's an absolute pig though. Even eats algae wafers.
Here's an updated not very good pic. I'll get some better (quality) pics with my actual camera next time he's not hiding.