Here's is my personal experience with burms...
I have a VERY docile 9' albino burmese python male who I use for educational shows & exibits. He is a great ambassador for his species & is by far the BEST snake I've ever worked with... however, even at just 9' he is getting harder to handle by a single-person. He is hefty, flopsy, and awkward to move around without a 2nd person present. Now, I'm not so worried about the "danger" factor with this snake particular, but it is something that I always have in the back of my mind. I do not feed him without someone else being home, & for the more recent exhibits I have a 2nd handler with me to help control him. This is something you really need to keep in mind when purchasing EITHER snake, should you be unfortunate enough to have one that ends up with a nasty attitude you're basically setting yourself up for an accident that could potentially lead to a fatal disaster... & the last thing we need to is to have some young adult getting strangled by his pet snake in the media. Personally, I really wouldn't recommend one if you are living by yourself. You should always have a partner who is comfortable handling the animal around any time you open up the enclosure, this is just a common-sense practice when working with potentially dangerous animals.
I have a VERY docile 9' albino burmese python male who I use for educational shows & exibits. He is a great ambassador for his species & is by far the BEST snake I've ever worked with... however, even at just 9' he is getting harder to handle by a single-person. He is hefty, flopsy, and awkward to move around without a 2nd person present. Now, I'm not so worried about the "danger" factor with this snake particular, but it is something that I always have in the back of my mind. I do not feed him without someone else being home, & for the more recent exhibits I have a 2nd handler with me to help control him. This is something you really need to keep in mind when purchasing EITHER snake, should you be unfortunate enough to have one that ends up with a nasty attitude you're basically setting yourself up for an accident that could potentially lead to a fatal disaster... & the last thing we need to is to have some young adult getting strangled by his pet snake in the media. Personally, I really wouldn't recommend one if you are living by yourself. You should always have a partner who is comfortable handling the animal around any time you open up the enclosure, this is just a common-sense practice when working with potentially dangerous animals.