Retro gaming


Probation Member
Probation Member
Aug 6, 2013
Yeah I got the nes classic edition. I also got the Atari version a few years ago. I still get them out every so often. I wouldn't mind seeing a ColecoVision version. I still want a play room with my arcade favorites. I visit a pizza place near me to play a Munsters pinball machine.


MFK Member
Nov 6, 2017
I was really into the good old commodore 64 and amiga,in my early teens. It was great swapping games with my mates and buying the english games magazines that were 3 months out of date when they got here. This was long before gaming was mainstream and still considered nerd thing to do. The variety of games was incredible, there were shooting games, flight simulators, strategy, text adventures, racing games and dodgy arcade conversions, not like now where there only seems 3 or 4 types of game available.

Theres a console called Super X pro that apparently has the full catalogue of all the old computers and consoles on it , im tempted to buy one but dont want my memories tainted when i realise how basic and possibly crap all the old games really are.
One thing i would like about it is you can just sit down, fire up the console and play any game for 30mins then go about your business, a modern PS4 game requires alot more investment of time which i really dont have anymore.


MFK Member
Nov 6, 2022
as really into the good old commodore 64 and amiga,in my early teens.
I never was able to expierence the amiga and com 64. I started gaming in late 80's with the release of the sega genesis. I was hooked. I continued gaming until the early 2000's with the release and early demise of the sega dreamcast.

I am trying to think of more fish related games, and I always liked this one: Sega Bass Fishing. It even had a compatible rod and reel controller. Super fun game.



MFK Member
Feb 17, 2022
New Jersey
I never was able to expierence the amiga and com 64. I started gaming in late 80's with the release of the sega genesis. I was hooked. I continued gaming until the early 2000's with the release and early demise of the sega dreamcast.

I am trying to think of more fish related games, and I always liked this one: Sega Bass Fishing. It even had a compatible rod and reel controller. Super fun game.

One of my favorite games on the Wii, when the Wii was still relevant. Still have mine lol.


MFK Member
Nov 6, 2022
Ok, speaking of retro games and fish. Does anyone remember this game: Odell Lake?

I had this game for my old apple2, it was also on commodore 64. It was basically a fish survival game. You play as a species of fish, and when you encounter another fish, you have to decide to eat/run/ignore or things like that.


MFK Member
Nov 6, 2017
I never was able to expierence the amiga and com 64.
I always had the impression that consoles were bigger in American and the early home computers like commodore, spectrum and amstrasd had the market share in the UK, europe and down here in oz.
I liked the computers as you could copy the games, i had hundreds of disks and cassetes filled with all the games of the time.


MFK Member
Feb 17, 2022
New Jersey
Not sure if the Playstation 2 is considered a retro console yet, but another fishing related game that I loved as a child was Reel Fishing. I haven’t thought about some of these childhood fishing games in years.

MFK Member
Jul 30, 2021
I've never really been into gaming, never bought a games console of any type in my life. But years ago, I'm talking the mid nineties maybe, my nephews had the old Sega mega drive and they had a game called Kid Chameleon, see pic below.

I had a go one day and became hooked on this game. Around the same time my nephews were getting upgraded consoles and so give me their old Sega. I took it home with me and I played and played and played on that one game for hours at a time. It had me completely entranced for months.

When I eventually beat the bad guy up at the end my mission was complete, and i've never been on another computer game since Kid Chameleon all those years ago.

I got the pic below from the internet. This picture brings back such frustrating memories, lol, but I was completed addicted to it.

View attachment 1511406
I had this game as well and can't tell you the amount of hours me and my cousin spent playing it in the mid to late 90s
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MFK Member
Jul 30, 2021
Ha, I remember that game. I am a child of the 80's and my friend had Kid Chameleon. It is a good game, I always thought the cover art was kind of odd.

I love retro games. but I really don't like modern games too much. I used to play games to see developers push the envelope on what is possible with low spec hardware. However, most of today's games seem so cookie cutter. Most modern games use prebuilt game engines (unreal and unity), which makes is easy to develop games, but rather boring from a technical standpoint, because all games today use the same core rendering engine. I guess it has lost much of the "magic" for me.

I am trying to think of retro-games that are "fish" related. And the one that stands out is an old/odd game called Seaman, which was first released on the Sega Dreamcast. You play the role of care-taker of a human/fish/amphibian hybrid. It was super advanced for its time: had interesting AI, and perhaps the first home game to ever use microphone based voice commands. It is a someone creepy game as the AI that controls the fish can get a little spicy and rude. I think it once told me off with quite precision.

On the weekends, I sometimes enjoy making retro style games using old tech. None of my games are very good. But I am playing with the idea of making a fish related game at some point in the future.
This was one of the wildest games I've ever played. I remember trying to get the creature to say dirty words through the controller lol. Was a hoot as a teenager
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