Hello everyone ! Nice review. I think both canisters are very good for filtering. But FX5 is definatelly better at mechanical filtering. That's why i was wondering how to improve my Eheim 2180 (it's the same as 2080 but with 500W heater integrated). What do you think, wouldn't be much better to insert some fine filter foam in the first (from the top) basket instead some Eheim Substrat Pro ? I mean, biological filtering is too much anyway... and 2L less wouldn't count that much. But trapping particles would work better with an extra filter foam, right ?
Also, i am wondering if i haven't done a mistake. I only had 2L of Eheim Mech, so i filled the rest of the first basket (from bottom) with 2L of Sera Siporax. It's about the same shape to redirect water (as Eheim Mech does), and will also do extra biological filtration. Shall i go and find more Eheim Mech or it will do just fine ?
P.S. One bad thing for 2180 is the fact you will almost not be able to use an UPS. It doesn't have a dedicated power cable for the heater, so it will kill your UPS in matter of secconds (instead of hours - after all, it will use arround 530W with heater on, while without heater it only uses 30W or so).
Thank you in advance !