Roach's Fishroom Nest

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Very interesting thread, and videos.
Its interesting to me how much the Sri Lankan Biotope mirrors the Panamanian biotope.
Cyprinids like barbs, danios and rasboras, make the major fish population Sri Lanka, just as Cyprinids do here, such as Tetras and other Characins do in Panama.
I believe the mistakenly identify Combtails as cichlids though.
No surprise because they occupy the niche in Sr Lanka, cichlids do in places like Central America
Combtails are Anabantids, more closely relatated to Gouramis and Bettas.
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FINWIN FINWIN Thanks, been enjoying your thread as well. Part of the reason I started this
duanes duanes Thanks. Really enjoy your cichlid and collecting posts!

Here are some more pics of the plants I use to filter the tank. They have really been making a difference. Not always the most visually stunning but I do like the wilder look it gives tanks.
koltsixx koltsixx Here are some more shots of terrestrial plant filtration and "refugium" filtration.
The central sump before adding the anthurium

Basically pothos doing what it does. There were a lot of anubius, buce and val in here that went to other projects and tanks.

And after:

Areas of the Hillstream rack that act as a refugium and plants grow well. Mulm and algae also left all but alone here.
Behind the middle tank you can just see the pothos reappearing after a major cut back. It comes from the lower tank where the roots are visible.

"Matten filter" and tank overflow area.

More pipe work etc on the combined rack.
You can see the refugium sections on the upper tanks. No matter the placement of the plants they filter the entire system as it is all connected.
All tanks look a little yellow here. I dosed the entire fishroom for internal worms and parasites as I was having a few issues. 20240408_195411.jpg

Outflow to bottom tank of rack.
In flow from continuous breeder tanks above with some anubius
20240408_195432.jpgGrowout tank has frogbit and emersed anubius.

The 3 smaller tanks that use guppy breeder boxes as refugiums. Filled with mulm and frogbit. Driven by air lines.

The middle tank that has the Matten Filter and no refugium. May yet plant something in the gap behind the Matten.

The cube tank that has the Apistos and pygmy cories. Corner Matten Filter and guppy Breeder Box refugium for microbes to populate.
The tank:

Matten with pothos
Refugium which also draws water from behind the Matten Filter and returns to tank. Full of mulm and "stuff".

The 55gal paludarium has no filter and has not had one for 1.5-2 years. Solely filtered by the plants and a single, rather large, circulation pump to create the river flow.



Wow, there's a lot going on. I can't even imagine the planning that went into the plumbing alone, very impressive. I got a better look at the guppy breeder setups now. You mentioned you use frogbit and I see it, it never becomes a problem? As a floating plant I imagine it has to be great at filtering, but I always thought itd quickly overrun an aquarium. And What do you do with all those Potho clippings? Can I ask how long you run your lights on a daily basis? And what kind of lights are you using? Any particular lumens and kelvins? Have you ever tried an algae scrubber? I may have asked that last one before as it's often on my mind when thinking plant filtration. I hesitate to experiment with it because I have a feeling it may take more room than I'd care to dedicate to one and more maintenance as well.

My apologies for so many questions, I'm curious as I would like to experiment with some plant filtration. Thanks for the tag and the informative post.
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Wow, there's a lot going on. I can't even imagine the planning that went into the plumbing alone, very impressive. I got a better look at the guppy breeder setups now. You mentioned you use frogbit and I see it, it never becomes a problem? As a floating plant I imagine it has to be great at filtering, but I always thought itd quickly overrun an aquarium. And What do you do with all those Potho clippings? Can I ask how long you run your lights on a daily basis? And what kind of lights are you using? Any particular lumens and kelvins? Have you ever tried an algae scrubber? I may have asked that last one before as it's often on my mind when thinking plant filtration. I hesitate to experiment with it because I have a feeling it may take more room than I'd care to dedicate to one and more maintenance as well.

My apologies for so many questions, I'm curious as I would like to experiment with some plant filtration. Thanks for the tag and the informative post.
I find a lot of satisfaction in planning and working out these things. It's half the hobby for me.
The frogbit is was started with 2 plants and spread around the room's 30 tanks. It is now finally at the point where I have started collecting from tanks and discarding. However, they do not over run my tanks much as I have really low NO2 and NO3 with all the filtration.

Pothos clipping go straight in the trash. In Taiwan pothos is so common you can almost not pay people to take it. Plus, in this climate it grows so fast if I needed a clippingI threw out, I wait a month and take a new one.

All lights except Apisto cube are these shop lights. Lumens are not that important to me as I grow hardy, easy, plants and just need a light sources for periphyton to grow.
13000K, transparent cover, LED trip lights.
I use 3 sizes:
60cm (2') - 10W 1000 lumens I think
90cm (3') - 15W
120cm (4') - either 18W or 21W about 2000 lumens I think
I found a factory outlet where a (120cm) 4' light runs for a bout US$8.50 and the elec lines about US$4-5 a pop. So the hillstream loach rack lights for all 6 tanks cost about 54dollars and runs on a total of 93W for an average of about 6.6hrs/day.

I have tried by best to keep running cists to a minimum and currently spend aboutUS$25-30/month on power.


Each rack runs on a slightly different timer:
Guppy Breeder Rack
Each row of 6 tanks is lit by 2 x 13000K 90cm (3') shop lights with clear plastic cover
Lights come on twice a day, morning for a feed and night to work and enjoy.
06:55~ 07:40 then again at 16:50~ 21:25.
I know its random times but they have worked with my scheds so didn't bother to change them. This tank has less hours as it has higher feeding and less plants by a country mile.

Apisto Cube
10W, single source LED construction site light
Once a day 16:30~21:45
I do very little to this tank other than a weekly or bi-weekly 15% water change and feed quite heavily. So to reduce the algae growth but still have some, this photoperiod works for me. It is on during the time I am mostly in the fishroom and busy on tanks.

Guppy Tanks with Refugium, Continuous Breeder Tanks, Growout Tank, Paludarium and 4' High-Flow River Tank
These are on the same lights as guppy rack and all on the same timer.
Once a day

Hillstream Breeding Rack
Same lights
Once a day

Bear in mind almost all tanks are shallow and have low light aquatic and terrestrial plants.

I have considered algae scrubbers but think the constant need to clean will take the fun out of it. I have 6 filter socks. I change them as they need to be and wash them in the machine when all are dirty. However, the last one usually runs a month or two, overflowing, while I get my arse into gear and clean them all., The rest last a week at best. I think building it is easy enough. Making it easily accessible, straightforward to remove and replace, and have a place to do it is the issue.
Plus the plants essentially do the same work for a fraction of the effort or maintenance. Build for lazy and any extra effort is a bonus for the tanks.

NO need to apologize. I am so busy at work and have so few people to talk seriously about fish to that I enjoy it when cats like you do.
FINWIN FINWIN Thanks, been enjoying your thread as well. Part of the reason I started this
duanes duanes Thanks. Really enjoy your cichlid and collecting posts!

Here are some more pics of the plants I use to filter the tank. They have really been making a difference. Not always the most visually stunning but I do like the wilder look it gives tanks.
koltsixx koltsixx Here are some more shots of terrestrial plant filtration and "refugium" filtration.
The central sump before adding the anthurium

Basically pothos doing what it does. There were a lot of anubius, buce and val in here that went to other projects and tanks.
View attachment 1540942View attachment 1540943

And after:
View attachment 1540950

Areas of the Hillstream rack that act as a refugium and plants grow well. Mulm and algae also left all but alone here.
Behind the middle tank you can just see the pothos reappearing after a major cut back. It comes from the lower tank where the roots are visible.
View attachment 1540941
View attachment 1540944

"Matten filter" and tank overflow area.
View attachment 1540949

More pipe work etc on the combined rack.
You can see the refugium sections on the upper tanks. No matter the placement of the plants they filter the entire system as it is all connected.
All tanks look a little yellow here. I dosed the entire fishroom for internal worms and parasites as I was having a few issues. View attachment 1540953

Outflow to bottom tank of rack.
View attachment 1540954
In flow from continuous breeder tanks above with some anubius
View attachment 1540955Growout tank has frogbit and emersed anubius.
View attachment 1540945

The 3 smaller tanks that use guppy breeder boxes as refugiums. Filled with mulm and frogbit. Driven by air lines.
View attachment 1540948

The middle tank that has the Matten Filter and no refugium. May yet plant something in the gap behind the Matten.
View attachment 1540947

The cube tank that has the Apistos and pygmy cories. Corner Matten Filter and guppy Breeder Box refugium for microbes to populate.
The tank:
View attachment 1540961

Matten with pothos
View attachment 1540951
Refugium which also draws water from behind the Matten Filter and returns to tank. Full of mulm and "stuff".
View attachment 1540952

The 55gal paludarium has no filter and has not had one for 1.5-2 years. Solely filtered by the plants and a single, rather large, circulation pump to create the river flow.
View attachment 1540962
View attachment 1540946

View attachment 1540942

View attachment 1540943

View attachment 1540956

lol, showoff!!! You should sell tickets...
That's "sirette", bub.

My delicate senses are offended...I am of the female persuasion.

Tickets $5.00 a pop
LemonAid at oudoor concession stand 50 cents per Dixie Cup.

View attachment 1541002
Jesus wept. I am sorry. I thought about it, was going to remove "sir" and then thought the odds be in my favor.

You organize and we split the door?

Forgot to add these 2 pics.


Continuous breeder refugium overflow to grow out tank