Some pics. Because it's Monday and I am delaying the start of work.
One of the many fish I lost during the quake. I lost 2-3 three of these. Some of my favorite danios. They are Brachydanio kyathit.
Does anyone know a good way to differiate between B. kyathit vs. Danio quagga?
The Panda Garra deserve some love.

I moved them from the bottom rack to the top rack so I can watch them more.
When it comes to dinner time, even the Sewellia which are considered boisterous for a hillstream loach have to step aside for the Garra Mini-Tank Army.
Ever wondered why Sewellia are colored and patterned the way they are?
Well.....wonder no more. lol
We view them from the side. Predators view them from the top.
Here is a young adult Spotted Sewellia and a juvie S. Breviventralis from our view point and as seen from above.

My sole surviving Clown Loach. I feel so bad losing the rest. But he is happy in this tank and has a Red-Tailed Black Shark as a buddy.