RTC and TSN Information


Catfish God
Staff member
MFK Member
Oct 10, 2005
Great info guys!Anyways, anyone here keeps their adult RTC in indoor ponds, and how child-safe are they? And are they interactive with their owners? Would a TSN or RTC be a better first monster catfish for a new monster catfish keeper?
As far as being child safe I don't see this as an issue as long as the child is not in the water with them. They are extremely interactive coming up to be petted and take food from your hands(you will need to make sure your child understands to let go of food as rtc could potentially crush fingers or hands). I would be more concerned with a child drowning in an open top pond than the rtc doing any real damage. Make sure your pond has a secure cover for when your not able to be in direct contact with your child around it. I have done this with my pond since my daughter is only 2 right now. :)
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Catfish God
Staff member
MFK Member
Oct 10, 2005
Ahhhh, should I build a fence around the pond then... to make sure he/she isn't able to get to the pond to keep em safe?

That's up to you and your level of supervision. like I said for safety sake I have a very tight fitting lid that there's no way my daughter can get off. I would make something so that the kids can't get in though for sure. A fence maybe. Is the pond outside?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 13, 2011
east bay
having a Rtc skin fungal problem on my 10" cats head and eyes. Appears to be cloudy eyes with red edges and white dying, flaking skin, flesh getting redder.Water got bad with clogged filter for a day and got that cleaned up. Added ph neutral/ chlorine, nitrate /ntrite heavy metal eliminator ect with slime coat enhancer also added a bit more salt. Fresh charcoal in the filter btw... What else can be done? Any help. still active but losing appetite and whitish skin goin red. please help thanks

Wesley M

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 22, 2013
St. George, Utah USA
i have had one for about 2 weeks now and it has already grown over an inch, so its now right around 7.5-8 inches approximately. How do i tell the sex of the fish? also are the nocturnal because it usually just hangs out at the bottom of the tank all day until I turn the light off at nights there any way to make it less shy or is it just natural at this age? Does its shyness have anything to do with the fact that its in a brand new tank? How often should I feed it at this size? Will it grow out of this shyness "phase"? thank you!