RTC in group or solitude


Giant Snakehead
MFK Member
Sep 2, 2016
I’ve kept rtc over the years and fished for them out in Suriname & Thailand.
I’ve also come across lots of group of them in the wild. They tend to hold up togeather often you can go miles and miles along the Amazon without catching a rtc , catching all manner of other large catfishes on your way. Then, you come across a deep hole that is absolutely packed with them. One a cast infact. Great fun.
I’ve experienced Similar in Thailand , rtc all coming from the same area of the ponds. Swimming around in groups around the edges.
what I found Interesting was the smaller rtc around 2ft would hold up in shallow areas than the bigger fish in Suriname, what would be found on deep holes or rocky areas. Almost nursery’s if you like where the smaller fish hold out. Sandy banks few smaller boulders around.

but referring to your question, I don’t think it will effect a rtc if you keep it alone. It’s properly more wiser, as others have stated above.

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Senior Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
Would an RTC prefer a group or solitude? If so how many in a group? Would a group of gars be intimidating to a solitary RTC? Do groups emit a more aggressive environment?
IME RTCs are aggressive territorially until about 6inches. Then fine. Then only aggressive during the spawning season, even if they cannot spawn.

RTC would be indifferent to any one gar or a group of gar, unless it can eat them.

Social fish in a group are more confident vs alone where they could from timid to paralyzed with fear. I'd not say groups of aggressive fish are more aggressive than each alone but this is a rather unusual question.
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