• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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What was the shipping address? In case he decides to try with a new name, im sure he will use the same address or at least the same city, state, or a zip close to the original. Put this guy on blast!!!
Has the feedback system been updated in his profile for this?
It could have been worst. He could have did one of those Nigerian Scams where he over paid you with a fake money order and ask for the difference to be sent back along with your fish. Good Luck.
Sorry Matt, that's unfortunately just part of selling fish on here. I get at least 2 PM's a week from flakes that say they want something and they are sending money. I've had numerous people set up shipping dates and never pay. I've also had one person tell me all of the fish arrived dead and he filed a paypal claim. He would never send pics of the dead fish. I even found pics of the fish I sent him on a different site that he posted swimming around in his tank. He was just trying to screw me over.

Look at it as a lesson learned. I require payment 24hrs before the fish can be shipped. That gives me time to fast the fish anyway. If I don't get there money I feed the fish as normal and don't think another thing about it. If they happen to send the money the day they wanted the fish shipped that's just tough luck, they have to wait at least 24hrs before I'm shipping.

Unfortunately you just can't trust people anymore. Why someone would go to so much effort for a fish is beyond me. It's just a fish.
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