Set my snakeheads free today :(

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :confused:

Jesus SG - I was actually going to PM you today asking when he next brilliant video would be. That catfish vid was the best feeding video I have ever seen.

May I ask why?
i just saw that vdo.

excellent !

curious on my and where you released yours.

in Thailand micropeltes can only be found in the jungle lakes, rivers and resevoirs in national parks.

did you relase yours in an area with snakeheads or in the canal in your neiborhood?

i would choose the later.
this is why sh's are illegal in the U.S. because they thrive in the wild where ever they are released and decimate local pop. I hope you sold it to a pat store...
Sh are eaten by birds, snakes, turtles, and other fish. It just depends on size.
rweedon said:
this is why sh's are illegal in the U.S. because they thrive in the wild where ever they are released and decimate local pop. I hope you sold it to a pat store...

What are you talking about? SG is from Singapore - snakeheads come from Asia, they are native fish there. Nothing wrong with throwing them back in the wild.
rumblesushi said:
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :confused:

Jesus SG - I was actually going to PM you today asking when he next brilliant video would be. That catfish vid was the best feeding video I have ever seen.

May I ask why?
Yeah wanted to feed them ADULT bull frogs or maybe some lizards if i got my hands on some.

I gave in to temptation and decided to get an aro. So that i did knowing plain ****ing well that sh + aro = FREAKIN TIMEBOMB. I still did it because you know I really wanted to try it and perhaps overtime they'll get used to each other. But the constant small fights resulted in scratches and reduced appetite on the 2 sh. They also had split fins and 1 of them got that "spooked look". The aro, at 15" was ok. There were no full-blown fights but it hurts to see them chasing each other and irritated. So before guts get spilled out, one had to go. Phoenix and Serpent, which should i let go? I personally like the serpents but everybody else like the phoenix......

There's a chinese saying that goes "same mountain cannot house 2 tigers".Well i was hoping these 2 could get used to each other and live in peace. It was sad letting go the 2 sh, they are awesome beautiful predators.
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