Setting up New Tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Babies have about doubled in size. There were 23 hard to tell how many are in the fry net but looks to be close to that amount. And another female is holding again. These are very prolific multipliers. Tanks seems to be balanced out and everyone coexisting…..for now.
I became fascinated with Victorian cichlids after reading the book Darwin's Dreampond, by Tijs Goldschmidt back in the early 90s.
He made a potentially dry subject, quite entertaining.
At the time I started keeping the Victorian, Lipochromis mtumbe hunter in a 55 gal, but being anally biotope driven instead of other combining non-victorian rift lake cichlids, I searched out Lake Victorian "non-cichlids" to complete the biotope, trying Enteromius barbs, and Brycinus tetras.
There is also a Labeo species, but it gets well over a foot, so I passed.
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Reactions: The Morning
Very disappointed. Lost the dominant yellow lab today. Seemed fine in the morning. By the end of the day I saw him in the back corner of the tank with the abdomen area opened up. I can only assume aggression but I sure didn’t see it and it was fast.
I am down to 3 labs. Will be ordering at least 5 more soon.
Yellow Labs are far to often advertised to be one of the few relatively docile Mbuna.
One of the most dominant territorial Mbuna I've ever kept was an XL Yellow Lab. He was a killer.
Just a quick update on this tanks progression. Some ups and downs. The one fry net with 25 juvies slipped one weekend and I can in to find it floating without any inhabitants left. The Zebras do continue to breed prolifically and I have to sets of fry growing out right now. I was also able to catch a spawn today.
I have also added more plants. I know most would disagree with the placement in the foreground but I like plants to be haphazard.

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