Your truly have some great fish, and and great set-up as well.I also have a pair of severum that look very similar to yours. I believe the one with the fins extending past the tail fin would be the male and the one with the shorter fins that do not extend past the tail fin to be female. Here’s some pics of mine they have similar colors to each other but i believe one is male and one is female. First pic i believe is the male second pic i believe is the female for my fish. So one feel free to correct me if i am wrong.
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If they are male and female, all the female does is chase the male around. Does this mean that the female doesn’t accept him?
I have 4 Heros in one tank, I’m pretty sure two are males and the other two are female, my 100 gal started leaking so I had to move them with my two blood parrots in a 55 for now but I’m planning on getting a 150 in a month or sooner. The female only chases that one male and leaves the rest alone, maybe because they are too young to be a threat. It could definitely be a dominance thing, the tank is pretty crowded.Are they the only two Heros in the tank? What size is the tank?
Unpaired Heros are not very tolerant of one another if the group is too small, or the tank is too small. She’s probably chasing him as a dominance thing.