Charles... We need an update
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Haha sorry. Busy Easter.
I'll try to do a photo/video update later. For now I'll just say what's up.
First off, as some of you may know, I'm currently in a battle with ich that has taken hold of my entire system. So far it has claimed the life of Tweeter, my porcupine puffer.
It has infected every fish in the system, and I am now doing a copper treatment on the entire system, and am trying to keep the fish on a garlicky diet.
I have removed all inverts, live rock, corals, and the ray from the system and am keeping them in a 55 gallon quarantine tank in my living room.
Now as if that isn't bad enough, I have a shark that is hatching in the mist of all of this, meaning there isn't really a safe home from him to go to just yet. So I'll have to keep him in the 10 gallon for as long as I can, and then hopefully the system will be healthy again before putting him in the 55 QT is necessary.
So if anyone knows what they're talking about when it comes to marine ich, I'm open to advice. These past couple days have been my most stressful in my entire time of fish-keeping. I'm currently on my second day of no sleep due to this whole thing, with a few more days of zero sleep to come; trying to catch the shark hatching and monitoring all the fish.
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