Show Us The Different Species of African Rift Lake Cichlids..

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo



ok its been almost three weeks since i got these little gems and they are still in quarenten, they have over come a bad case eof ich upon arrival and have been treated with prazi pro for parasite issues, and all have cleared up. they are insect eaters and are being feed cichlid flakes, small dinanchi pellets and some glass worms. they are housed in a 20 gal. well established tank.
i recieved 15 of these and to this point i believe that i have 4 males and the rest female.
i finanlly got one to flare up and here is a picture. they are just over 1 inch.

Very nice pics!! Nice color for being small!!
So after about 3 months of not having a tank, I finally have a start!! It is a far cry from a monster tank, just a 55 but it is all I could do for now. So went with a Lake Malawi set up. So far all I have are 5 yellow labs and a Ahli (which I got because I was mixed up LMAO). Anyway here is the set up and the fishies I have so far...much more to come...Oh, and ignore the pics on the tank itself..those are just the fish I am planning, and I put on while the tank was cycling cause I hated looking at a tank with no fish!

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