Show Us The Different Species of African Rift Lake Cichlids..

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Definitely a beauty ! More than enough visual blocks and hides. Then it comes back to what Max said about heirachy being more than likely the main cause. I ve never kept Cobues so I have no idea of sexxing males and females and have never needed to vent any to find out as all my fish have easy tells as to sex other than my polys which aren’t fully grown yet either way. But if he isn’t tattered and torn and stressed out then you have no real problem and he’s simply on the low end of the stick. I had an Aulonocara juvenile that I swore was a female as it was extremely dark and no one bothered it. I placed it in a 65 gal with 2 juvenile male sulfur heads and within 3 weeks it went from dark to displaying an electric blue beard and body as well as it started to act like a male and began chasing the sulfur heads. So he was dulling himself to avoid being picked on by my full grown red shoulder. Here is a photo of him now. He has been replaced back in my 125 with the adults and he is still holding some of his coloration as I ve only just placed him back in 2 days ago. So if you are able to seperate him into another tank to reduce stress and allow him to eat well for a decent amount of time without concern then it’s possible you could trick him so to speak into holding a brighter coloration even when placed back into the big tank.
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Definitely a beauty ! More than enough visual blocks and hides. Then it comes back to what Max said about heirachy being more than likely the main cause. I ve never kept Cobues so I have no idea of sexxing males and females and have never needed to vent any to find out as all my fish have easy tells as to sex other than my polys which aren’t fully grown yet either way. But if he isn’t tattered and torn and stressed out then you have no real problem and he’s simply on the low end of the stick. I had an Aulonocara juvenile that I swore was a female as it was extremely dark and no one bothered it. I placed it in a 65 gal with 2 juvenile male sulfur heads and within 3 weeks it went from dark to displaying an electric blue beard and body as well as it started to act like a male and began chasing the sulfur heads. So he was dulling himself to avoid being picked on by my full grown red shoulder. Here is a photo of him now. He has been replaced back in my 125 with the adults and he is still holding some of his coloration as I ve only just placed him back in 2 days ago. So if you are able to seperate him into another tank to reduce stress and allow him to eat well for a decent amount of time without concern then it’s possible you could trick him so to speak into holding a brighter coloration even when placed back into the big tank.
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Thank you for the comment and the great advice! I have a 29 gal that is my profile pic but I took it down when I got my bigger tank. My wife agreed to let me start it up again and I was thinking about what to put in it and I think I'll try to see how the Cobue do on their own without any other fish to pick on them. Originally I was going to keep it as a fry tank but since I don't have any babies on the way I'll try out this experiment!
This is just a random selection of photos from my tank of mixed cichlids.

I won't pretend that I can identify these fish exactly. Any help there would be appreciated, but I know how it is when these things start to crossbreed.





Voodoo the false bumblebee on the left & Maynard the Golden Mbuna, right.

Mojo the Peacock above, sunflower the Yellow Lab middle, and Mr. Chips the Convict at bottom.

Mr. Phish the Convict

Voodoo the false Bumblebee.

Mojo the Malawi Peacock.

Jingles is a Jewel of the Nile
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I realize that the convicts should not be in here, but since I showed Mr Chips I kind of had the show Mr Phish.

Here's a couple more shots of Cromwell. He is fully 6in long

Jingles and Mojo


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Just joined the forum here, picked this guy up the other day and LFS wasn’t sure exactly what it was, it was in a mixed batch of Africans they got in. Would love to know what he is. Thanks in advance47E3BC71-D1E7-408C-B210-4E535072BC1C.jpeg
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Just joined the forum here, picked this guy up the other day and LFS wasn’t sure exactly what it was, it was in a mixed batch of Africans they got in. Would love to know what he is. Thanks in advanceView attachment 1352761

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