• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Show us you Goliath Tiger Fish


They grow slowly. I bought it a year and a half ago @ about 5". I threw it in my 900g (10' x 4' x 3') tank within 2 two months of purchase, fed daily on shrimp, smelt and occassionally on feeders, and its now 15". Patience is a must raising these things, but IMO so worth it.

Its tankmates include: 4 other ATFs (Vittatus), 2 Tarpons, 4 Tinfoil barbs, 3 Bichirs, 3 african cichlids, an Afer knife. It and the other ATFs have killed and partially eaten 6 Tinfoils, and 2 african cichlids.
kentobizmol said:
this is a great place to buy an african tiger fish $249.99

Fellas, not all are rare in the hobby. All ATFs are uncommon, but not exactly rare. Here in the USA, $250 for a 4-5" Vittatus is way over priced. They are a seasonal fish, usually showing up at the end of the year until about Feb or March. Typically, Vittatus go for between $100-150 at that size, sometimes as low as $75 on a good season of importation. The one that that has been extremely hard to come by here in the USA is the Goliath. Its the one pictured w/out the stripes which also has the bigger teeth.
if anyone in the uk wants one, the goldfish bowl in oxford can get them, and also my local fish shop yaya!

just dont have a tank big enough, only got a 30 gallon spare

wonder if you can get more than one in a tank... imagine that! if not then a nice big rhom is more impressive...
corbypete said:
wonder if you can get more than one in a tank... imagine that! if not then a nice big rhom is more impressive...

UM...I don't think so! A big Rhom = awesome, no doubt. A big Goliath ATF = extreme, no contest.

I'm sure you could keep more than one Goliath together, but the tank size would have to be HUGE. I would guestimate between 2000g and 3000g.
I mixed ATF's and Asian Aros, and they DO NOT like each other. There is always scales missing from each other. Had to separate. Kept the ATF, and sold the aros. I love my ATF.
In uk are avail as already said seasonal , i had a vittitus in with Jardini both about 5 inches the tiger was kick ****less had 2 sell bit gutted but have 13+ inch rhombeus now nice fish, a tiger vittitus/goliath is the only other fish i would like,tiger fangs do u have any photos of yr big setup? Would love 2 see, plz
PS> where is the photos of all these amazing tigers?
Nice Rhom!!!

Pictures of my tank is in West Coast vs East Coast tanks thread. For picks of my ATFs look in my gallery. I have 5 ATFs total.