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I recently purchased an 8-9" royal panaque, along with a 10" hoplias (wolf fish), for $100. The panaque is probably four-five inches across, without his fins spread out.

Him along with my new wolf fish:

Taking a break from wood:

Yeah, yeah, another side shot:

Within the next 24 hours, I'll have some better shots of him. I will get some full body shots, face on, up-close of his mouth, and I'll try to get a picture of him swimming, or upside down and chewing on wood.

Nice fish and it's great to once again look at some quality photos. Thank you for not using your cell phone camera!
Zen and Loach, the girlfriend and I use a Canon XT. I was going to get an XTi, but I'm sure you know where my money goes instead!

My next camera will be either the XTi or XSi.
Nice buy, I have one as well, great fish.

Bit territorial though, so need to keep an eye on him/her, but mine doesn't really do any harm to the other fish, only pushes them away.

And acryl is not an option, I hear mine scraping the glass at night.