Show your Plecos Here !!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Yeah I know what you mean there I have an L200 I haven't seen in weeks.
He's still ok I can just make out his tail sticking out of his hiding place.
Have to get lucky like i did with this guy :) Shall keep an eye out and hope phone is with me when and if the other royal comes out and plays.

I'm lucky my 2 royals(L190 and L027a) are always out

Yeah I know what you mean there I have an L200 I haven't seen in weeks.
He's still ok I can just make out his tail sticking out of his hiding place.

It's the same way with my L264 sultan
The adult form isn't as pretty as the juvenile but still a beautiful animal
thanks mate
i have several questions regarding plecos
will 330ish gallon simple tank enough to house those plecos with l14,l190,l114,l24,l15,and l66 without any kind of aggression?
and is it safe to use rhodopseudomonas palustris and rhodobacter capsulatus for my pleco tank? TIA