Show your Plecos Here !!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Nice watermelon royal I'm picking one up probably this week
Thank you. Yea watermelons are nice.
I am planning on getting a L027 and L191 too. Plus, a green phantom, three beacon, blue phantom, orange cheek pineapple pleco, L114 or LDA27, L160, LDA105
You will love your watermelon
Thank you. Yea watermelons are nice.
I am planning on getting a L027 and L191 too. Plus, a green phantom, three beacon, blue phantom, orange cheek pineapple pleco, L114 or LDA27, L160, LDA105
You will love your watermelon

I love royals I already have a L027a Xingu and a L190. I never liked the L191 as much as the rest of the royals because of eye color. I'm also supposed to be getting a green phantom soon too and possibly a L114 also. My LFS had a L160 a couple weeks ago but I got a L157 instead because I already had the similar looking L264 sultan
I rehomed the common pleco I had in my JD tank and now they have this cutie living with them.
He/She is an Orange seam pleco L 106