Show your Plecos Here !!

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What are the other 2 fish in the 1st picture justarn justarn ?
Spanner barbs and a rusty plecs.

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How goes it with your gold nuggets? I've always wanted one but have heard they are temperamental to keep. Can up and die for no reason and don't grow well in aquaria.
Honestly the first time I had one I didn’t know squat about oddballs or wild caught. Mine died for 2 main contributing factors. It wasn’t eating and my HOB wasn’t doin enough for the water quality. Died within a few weeks.

I recently got 4 of which they went into a large 65 gal with approximately 15 other plecos and 4 electric blue acaras. Took them a decent amount of time to acclimate they were smaller than the other plecos so were timid at feeding time eventually 3 of them got over it and started to get in on the dog pile and one of them didn’t. But I didn’t notice that til it was too late and I lost that one. But now the other 3 have nice chubby bellies like my other ones and they mingle with the others well. I actually saw some mating rituals lastnight between 2 of them as they explored one of the caves so fingers crossed.

For me I found that these were things that worked for me in keepin wild caught and oddball plecos are this and some of these are just plain fish keepin 101

- a really established tank
-Maximize the filtration as much as you can
-Offer them food in the most natural way you can that mimics how they would eat in the wild. (For me that’s using repashy as a staple for all feedings)
- a community of them helps reduce the stress one may suffer if it’s in a tank by itself as long as it’s a grouping that will get along
- 1-2 water changes a week religiously with cold water
- tons of oxygenation
- a lot of caves / over hangs / driftwood
- lots of flow and water circulation

And it goes without saying not every case is the same but the tank I have them in has 4 different filters on it and I add BB into all my tanks every 2nd water change. It may be overkill but Ive only lost that one GN since I ve adopted these things to focus on. And I ve just recently added bamboo shrimp to this tank to help improve the water quality.

I will feed them after and send a few photos of the pleconation I have.
Here’s the early feeding shots my vampire pleco ate a big meal night before so you won’t get a shot of him sadly. But my tiny leopard frog makes an appearance and it’s awesome to see him next to the much larger plecs (he’s not even the size of some of their fins ‍♂️) and of course the bosses are the blue phantoms and then the underbosses are the Hifin green phantoms. With the acaras watching the action and grabbing the scraps. Some of the best shots I had out of like 100 I took just to post. My gold nuggets present as well.64AD3B20-1FE1-4455-A050-7442D3CA8763.jpegADA45E1E-28D6-4037-BBFF-2C8A649F0041.jpegCE1647AD-B246-4DB8-B774-5A17E0D40A0E.jpeg9D91156E-DDE6-4E40-A5EF-068D69F9F61A.jpegA0A8C705-5E5C-4473-B84B-3D224BFCEED5.jpeg02F66CB8-59B5-4437-A058-CBE0472AD021.jpeg09DA09D2-8CF8-4B65-B3C8-17BEAE967A0B.jpeg2EA661B5-BB74-4E6D-AF48-D84F6D10F6CD.jpeg